Reverse Dependencies of pygraphviz
The following projects have a declared dependency on pygraphviz:
- adage — Running dynamic DAG workflows
- ahp-graph — Attributed Hierarchical Port Graph
- alph — alph
- ananke-causal — Ananke, named for the Greek primordial goddess of necessity and causality, is a python package for causal inference using the language of graphical models.
- anomalyHTM — Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing
- ansiqa — Anisible Role Quality Assurance
- arguebuf — Create and analyze argument graphs and serialize them via Protobuf
- automata-lib — A Python library for simulating finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines
- autotwin-autlib — no summary
- autotwin_gmglib — Graph Model Generation Library for Auto-Twin
- autotwin_pnglib — Petri Net Model Generation Library for Auto-Twin
- availsim4 — Availsim4 is a tool to predict reliability and availability of modern particle accelerators and their related systems.
- avdoc — CLI tool to generate HTML documentation for an Apache Avro schema
- biomass — A Python Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Signaling Systems
- bitcoin-toolkit — bitcoin toolkit
- boolxai — BoolXAI: Explainable AI using expressive Boolean formulas
- cadbiom-gui — GUI of Cadbiom software v0.3
- candis — A data mining suite for DNA Microarrays.
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- cdesf — Concept-drift on Event Stream Framework
- cellqc — Cellqc standardizes the qualiy control of single-cell RNA-Seq (scRNA) data to render clean feature count matrices.
- cfg-analysis-tool-py — CFG Analysis Tool
- cfgutils — A CFG utility library
- cnmfsns — cNMF Solution Network Space
- code-first-pipelines — A framework built on top of Ploomber that allows code-first definition of pipelines.
- code2graph — A package for creating directed graph from python files
- collective.wfautodoc — Generates a Graphviz file (or directly creates an SVG) from a Zope/CMF DCWorkflow defintion.
- computation-graph — no summary
- computegraph — computegraph is a tool for managing computational graphs using networkx
- constclust — no summary
- cprofile_graph — cprofile_graph is used to generate visual graphs for Python profiling.
- crestdsl — A Continuous REactive SysTems DSL
- CSET — Toolkit for evaluation and investigation of numerical models for weather and climate applications.
- CStrees — A Python library for CStrees.
- curp — Inter-residue Current calculation in Proteins from MD trajectory
- datateer-cli — Datateer CLI to support devops and infrastructure
- datawhys — DataWhys API wrapper
- demo-py — My Personal Demo Toolbox.
- deposit-gui — GUI for Deposit - Graph database for scientific data collection
- dilawar — Personal collection of utilities
- discoursegraphs — graph-based processing of multi-level annotated corpora
- django-channel-tasks — Running background tasks through websocket, using channels-redis, from Django Admin or REST API.
- django-db-modeler — A Django management command to generate a graph of a model and its neighbors up to a specified depth.
- django-db-schema-renderer — Django app to render ER diagram
- django-flow-viz-toolkit — A tool to generate flowcharts for Django projects
- dnnSwift — Quick Convolutional Neural Network Implementation
- dolfin-adjoint — High-level automatic differentiation library for FEniCS
- doranet — Python package for generating and analyzing chemical reaction networks
- dot2bgraph — A CLI to convert dot files to bgraph format for visualization.
- dot2mermaid — A library for converting dot file to mermaid and markdown.
- dotifi — Generate DOT files and images from Apache Nifi Flows
- dowhy — DoWhy is a Python library for causal inference that supports explicit modeling and testing of causal assumptions
- draw-compose — Render Docker compose files
- drlx — DRLX is a library for distributed training of diffusion models via RL
- dsplot — Visualize Tree, Graph, and Matrix data structures with ease.
- dsstools — An opiniated wrapper around NetworkX to help with drawing and positioning.
- dstools — Utility functions for Data Science projects.
- dtween — Digital Twin of an Organization realized with Action-Oriented Process Mining
- earthmover — Transforms tabular data sources into text-based data via YAML configuration
- easygv — Define nodes and edges in an excel file and graph-style attributes in a yaml file with inheritence.
- ellatu — Ellatu is framework for building text based games
- emmaa — Ecosystem of Machine-maintained Models with Automated Analysis
- ERAlchemy — Simple entity relation (ER) diagrams generation
- eralchemy2 — Simple entity relation (ER) diagrams generation
- erd-python — Generate ERD diagrams using python
- erdammer — Simple tool to generate database schema documentation
- erdantic — Entity relationship diagrams for Python data model classes like Pydantic.
- executorlib — Scale serial and MPI-parallel python functions over hundreds of compute nodes all from within a jupyter notebook or serial python process.
- f9columnar — Columnar analysis utils.
- f9ml — JSI F9 machine learning framework.
- factoriohelper — A small application that helps playing factorio more efficiently.
- fenics-ffcx — The FEniCSx Form Compiler
- FEV-KEGG — FEV@KEGG allows for easy analysis of metabolic networks of organisms in KEGG.
- fib-ast — AST graph building for fibonacci function
- fibonacci2283371488124 — A package for calculating Fibonacci numbers and visualizing ASTs
- fibonacci24595645 — A package for calculating Fibonacci numbers and visualizing ASTs
- finesse — Simulation tool for modelling laser interferometers
- flexcalc — CT data pre- and post-processing tools, simulation of spectral data, and batch-processing of large number of datasets
- flowy — A workflow modeling and execution library with gradual concurrency inference.
- fms-model-optimizer — Quantization Techniques
- foliantcontrib.project-graph — Foliant Meta Command which draws a scheme of project sections.
- fsmdot — Implementation of finite-state machines and exportation to dot format
- fstflowchat — a small, pedagogical, fst-based dialog toolkit.
- funcmasker-flex — BIDS App for U-net brain masking of fetal bold MRI
- geist-p — Geist: a multimodal data transformation, query, and reporting language
- gen-info-est-tools — Package for information estimation, independence test, causal structure mining, etc.
- geneticanalyzer — A library for visualizing genetic algorithm lineages
- geosnap — The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package
- gettsim — The German Taxes and Transfers SIMulator
- ghutter — ghutter is a tool to recreate the history of a GitHub repository
- gloe — Gloe is a general-purpose library designed to guide developers in expressing their code as a flow.
- grapes — Helper for dataflow based programming
- graphcat — Lightweight, flexible toolkit for managing computational graphs.
- graphistry — A visual graph analytics library for extracting, transforming, displaying, and sharing big graphs with end-to-end GPU acceleration
- graphtask — Build implicit task graphs from functions and process them in parallel.
- graphviz2drawio — Convert graphviz (dot) files to / lucid (mxGraph) format. Beautiful and editable graphs in your favorite editor.
- grill — Pipeline tools for (but not limited to) audiovisual projects.
- hg-docgraph — Mercurial extension to general graphivz output from mercurial repositories
- hvplot — A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.
- hymir — Simple workflows.