Reverse Dependencies of pygmo
The following projects have a declared dependency on pygmo:
- csrank — Context-sensitive ranking
- dftfit — Ab-Initio Molecular Dynamics Potential Development
- estim8 — Conduct parameter estimations for Dymola and FMU models
- hypermapper — HyperMapper is a multi-objective black-box optimization tool based on Bayesian Optimization.
- iwopy — Fraunhofer IWES optimization tools in Python
- nurbspy — A lightweight library for NURBS curves and surfaces
- optimization-problem-inspector — A tool for analysis of industrial optimization problems and their solutions
- OptiMOBO — Solve multi-objective problems using Bayesian optimisation.
- pfevaluator — pfevaluator: A library for evaluating performance metrics of Pareto fronts in multiple/many objective optimization problems
- pygmo-plugins-nonfree — Commercial solvers plugins for pygmo
- pyMultiobjective — A python library for Multiobjective Objectives Optimization Algorithms or Many Objectives Optimization Algorithms
- pyoptgra — A python-wrapped version of OPTGRA, an algorithm for constrained optimization
- pyPTF — Pedotransfer function development using Genetic Programming
- pyrvea — The python version reference vector guided evolutionary algorithm.
- pywr — Python Water Resource model
- pywr-stoch — Python Water Resource model
- pyxel-sim — Pyxel detector simulation framework.