Reverse Dependencies of PyFunctional
The following projects have a declared dependency on PyFunctional:
- avri-api — Unofficial wrapper around Avri endpoints
- babish-db — Data with Babish DB
- bcitflex — Browse BCIT Flex course offerings.
- comma-cli — Multi-Tool
- crawling-gocd — crawling the gocd build histories of pipelines and calculate the metrics
- emflow — no summary
- fhir-aggregator — no summary
- flask-rethinkview — RESTful Flask View with RethinkDB
- fmeval — Amazon Foundation Model Evaluations
- genotations — Genotations - python library to work with genomes and primers
- hash-artifacts — Compute a combined hash for the given artifact paths (that can include glob patterns)
- kinoko — python package for Japanese NLP and many other utils
- kodexa — Python SDK for the Kodexa Platform
- log-tool — DESCRIPTION
- longdata — longevity-databases - longdata to work with common databases
- ma-confluence-cli — MA confluence automation helper
- marian-library — Python wrapper for Marian NMT for Neural Grammar Correction with Error Types
- metabolitics3d — metabolitics3d
- nimble-aws — Nimble-AWS is a Python library engineered for high-performance, asynchronous communication with AWS services. The library focuses on providing streamlined adapters that abstract the complexity of AWS operations, making it easier to integrate AWS into your applications.
- opentargets-checkomatic — This package handles the Open Targets data checking.
- pybee — Provides some useful functions to write maintainer scripts or deployment scripts
- pycomfort — Pycomfort - Python helper methods to make life easier
- pygraph-cli — CLI for pygraphviz powered by graphviz
- pyquential — Extension functions for iterables to ease functional programming.
- qPyUtils — no summary
- replacy — ReplaCy = spaCy Matcher + pyInflect. Create rules, correct sentences.
- simaple — Maplestory calculation / Simulation library
- smclarify — no summary
- srai — A set of python modules for geospatial machine learning and data mining
- swift-code-metrics — Code metrics analyzer for Swift projects.
- synapses-py — A lightweight library for neural networks that runs anywhere
- twitter-analysis-tools — Tools for loading, manipulating and filtering tweets.
- zander — Code Generator
- zef — A data-oriented toolkit for graph data