Reverse Dependencies of pyfftw
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyfftw:
- abTEM — no summary
- alpha-transform — Adaptive alpha shearlet transform for manifold-valued data
- amset — AMSET is a tool to calculate carrier transport properties from ab initio calculation data
- artis-tomo — Scientific Methods for tomography
- baseband-tasks — A package for radio baseband data reduction and analysis
- bayesdawn — a bayesian data augmentation algorithm
- bilby — A user-friendly Bayesian inference library
- biosemi-realtime — This python package allows real-time averaging in the time- and frequency-domain with SNR estimations.
- BioTEMPy — TEMPy: a Python Library for Assessment of 3D Electron Microscopy Density Fits
- cgsense2023 — Conjugate Gradient SENSE (CG-SENSE) MRI Reconstruction
- craft-reconstruct — An Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for Faraday Tomography.
- crystal-toolkit — no summary
- DDFacet — Facet-based radio astronomy continuum imager
- DeepSR — A Toolkit for Super Resolution with Deep Learning Algorithms
- dftpy — Python3 packages for Density Functional Theory
- dlg-lowpass-components — Awesome dlg_lowpass_components created by pritchardn
- dpm-tools — A collection of tools and workflows to streamline the processing and visualization of porous media images.
- drdmannturb — Mann turbulence modelling
- edftpy — Density Embedding Scheme with Python
- EMalign — EM align
- empyre — Electron Microscopy Python Reconstruction
- equolver — Development Status :: 4 - Beta
- fat-llama-fftw — fat_llama_fftw is a Python package for upscaling audio files to FLAC or WAV formats using advanced audio processing techniques. It utilizes cpu-accelerated calculations to enhance audio quality by upsampling and adding missing frequencies through FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), resulting in richer and more detailed audio.
- fluiddyn — Framework for studying fluid dynamics.
- fluidfft — Efficient and easy Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for Python.
- fluidimage — Fluid image processing with Python.
- fluidsim — Framework for studying fluid dynamics with simulations.
- gadgetron — Python interface for Gadgetron
- GAKTpore — A stereological analysis tool for porous materials
- ghostipy — Signal processing and spectral analysis toolbox
- greedypy — Fast deformable registration in python
- hfoGUI — hfoGUI - a data visualization GUI for TINT data.
- holoaverage — Reconstruction and averaging of off-axis electron holograms as obtained by transmission electron microscopes.
- httomolibgpu — Commonly used tomography data processing methods at DLS.
- ifermi — Fermi surface plotting tool from DFT output
- kltpicker2 — KLT Picker: Particle picking using data-driven optimal templates
- kuramoto-util — package for Kuramoto model simulations
- LightPipes — LightPipes for Python optical toolbox
- LomPy — Local Multiscale Analysis of Marked Point Processes
- mdapy — A simple, fast and cross-platform python library to handle the data generated from molecular dynamics simulations.
- michael960-lib — base library for other packages by michael
- mintpy — Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon
- mmfutils — Small set of utilities: containers and interfaces.
- mmspy — A Python package for querying and analysing data from the NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission.
- ndimreg — 3D image registration using FFT
- needlefinder — Find occurrences of a needle image in a haystack image using multiprocessing and template matching.
- nrefocus — numerical focusing (refocusing, autofocusing) of complex wave fields
- nxs-analysis-tools — Reduce and transform nexus format (.nxs) scattering data.
- odl — Operator Discretization Library
- odtbrain — Algorithms for diffraction tomography
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- optcom — Optical System Simulator
- oscsipm — Instruments to make photocounting statistics from histograms and raw oscillograms
- otk — Optics Tool Kit
- peegy — Tools to pipeline bulk analyses of EEG and other modalities.
- pfc-util — package for PFC (phase field crystal) simulations
- planfftw — Julia-inspired function planners around pyfftw
- powerbox — Create arbitrary boxes with isotropic power spectra
- properimage — Proper Astronomic Image Analysis
- ps-eor — Foreground modeling/removal and Power Spectra generation
- py-extrema — Find extrema and their mergers in N dimensional fields.
- pychi — Simulation package for the propagation of optical pulses in nonlinear media
- pycola3 — A Python/Cython N-body code, implementing the Comoving Lagrangian Acceleration (COLA) method in the temporal and spatial domains.
- pyeisen — PyEisen
- pylops — Python library implementing linear operators to allow solving large-scale optimization problems
- pyoperators — Operators and solvers for high-performance computing.
- PyPROPER3 — An optical wavefront propagation utility
- pypwdft — pypwdft
- pyqmri — Model-based parameter quantification using OpenCL and Python
- pysco-nbody — A Python library to run N-body simulations with modified gravity
- pysimulators — Tools to build an instrument model.
- pytalises — TALISES (This Ain't a LInear Schrödinger Equation Solver) is an easy-to-use Python implementation of the Split-Step Fourier Method, for numeric calculation of a wave function's time-propagation under the Schrödinger equation.
- pyvsnr — VSNR (Variational Stationary Noise Remover) algorithm in python
- pyzfn — micromagnetic post processing library
- qpretrieve — library for phase retrieval from holograms
- resistics — Robust magnetotelluric processing package
- rfpipe — Radio interferometric transient search pipeline for realfast
- rotsim2d — Simulate 2D rovibrational spectra of gas-phase molecular samples
- rSTSF — Fast, accurate and explainable time series classification through randomization
- sarkas — Sarkas - A Fast pure-python Molecular Dynamics suite for plasmas
- scarplet — A Python package for topographic template matching
- scikit-map — scikit-learn applied to mapping and spatial prediction
- SimLight — A tool helps your optical simulation.
- slippy — A python package for tribologists
- soothingsounds — Generate a variety of white/brown/pink noises good for relaxation
- spatialstats — Statistical routines to analyze the spatial structure of 2D and 3D spatial fields and particle distributions.
- sporco — Sparse Optimisation Research Code: A Python package for sparse coding and dictionary learning
- tmplmatching — Fast multitemplate matching with support for different sizes using numexpr / cupy / fftw / scipy / multiprocessing
- torusgrid — periodic fields with definite dimensions equipped with FFT operations
- toupy — Tomographic Utilities for Python
- turbustat — Statistics of Turbulence
- udft — Unitary discrete Fourier Transform (and related)
- ufss — Package for simulating nonlinear optical spectra
- ultrafastultrafast — Package for simulating nonlinear optical spectra
- velocileptors — Code for cosmological perturbation theory
- vsdfft — Collection of Discrete/Fast Fourier Transform VapourSynth functions
- wannierberri — Advanced tool for Wannier interpolation
- wfbase — Easy way to compute from first-principles various properties depending on the electronic structure of periodic solids.
- zeroset — Useful collection of features.
- zorroautomator — Zorro Automator - dose-fractionated image registrator