Reverse Dependencies of pyexcel
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyexcel:
- beancount-fava — A rich web interface for the CL-accounting tool beancount.
- BioPlate — An application to quickly generate plate schemes used in life science, save it in database and export it in nice table format or in spreadsheet
- calvos — SW utilities for embedded systems
- cleanlab-cli — Command line interface for all things Cleanlab Studio
- cleanlab-studio — Client interface for all things Cleanlab Studio
- cptextract — A simple Python package to automate the extraction of CPT data
- cwlab — A platform-agnostic, cloud-ready framework for simplified deployment of the Common Workflow Language using a graphical web interface
- deepqt — Harness the power of the DeepL API with this friendly user interface.
- dextract — Layered extractor of data
- django-chaos — Chaos is a project that you can use to do project management
- django-excel — A django middleware that provides one application programminginterface to read and write data in different excel file formats
- doc-handle — doc_handle a python module for working with .csv and .ods in python native
- emeis — user management
- etk — extraction toolkit
- excel-generator — An excel generator that takes as input a JSON file. The format of the file is list of dictionaries.
- excel2table — Simple commandline utility to convert excel filesto searchable and sortable HTML table.
- excelcy — Excel Integration with SpaCy. Includes, Entity training, Entity matcher pipe.
- excelsql — A Python driver to use SQL on Excel workbooks with CRUD, using SQLite as a middleman
- fava — Web interface for the accounting tool Beancount.
- filum-utils — Filum Utils
- fontcell — FOntCell - A software tool for automatic parallel computed fusion of ontologies
- formative — Self-hosted web app for collecting form responses and files
- fzutils — A Python utils for spider
- g8fyi-fava — Web interface for the accounting tool Beancount.
- gif2xls — Convert GIF images into XLS files.
- glide — Easy ETL
- halfapi — Core to write deep APIs using a module's tree
- lampa — no summary
- matrixb — An extensible package to automate and enhance the manipulation of tabular/matrix data without giving up performance.
- pdfforms — Populate fillable pdf forms from csv data file
- plover-excel-dictionary — Excel dictionaries support for Plover
- pyActigraphy — Analysis package for actigraphy data
- pyexcel-cli — A command utility to read and write data in csv, tsv, xls, xlsx and ods format.
- pyexcel-export — Keep good formatting when exporting to *.xlsx, *.yaml and *.json and when updating data.
- pyexcel-handsontable — A pyexcel plugin to render data as handsontable in html pages
- pyexcel-text — A plugin to pyexcel and provides the capability to present and write data in text formats
- pyexcel-webio — A generic request and response interface for pyexcel web extensions.
- pyGenealogicalTools — Genealogical tools
- pyramid-excel — A pyramid extension that provides one application programming interface to read and write data in different excel file formats
- pyreportxl — An Excel reporting framework for python.
- pytigon-lib — Pytigon library
- simplecel — Offline Excel-like app with no formula conversion, but with image/markdown/HTML support.
- siu-data — SIU data
- sphinxcontrib-excel — Embed excel file as an excel-alike table into sphinx documentation.
- stingray-reader — The Stingray Schema-Based File Reader
- tablite — multiprocessing enabled out-of-memory data analysis library for tabular data.
- tinydb-viewer — View records generated from TinyDB and alike (e.g. list of dictionaries.)
- transistor — A web scraping framework for intelligent use cases.
- wc-utils — Utilities for whole-cell modeling
- whatsapp-converter — Use whatsapp-converter to convert your exported WhatsApp chat to a CSV or XLS (Excel spreadsheet) file.
- workflux — A platform-agnostic, cloud-ready framework for simplified deployment of the Common Workflow Language using a graphical web interface
- xlin — toolbox for LinXueyuan
- xlsxgrep — CLI tool to search text in XLSX, XLS, CSV, TSV and ODS files. It works similarly to Unix\GNU Linux grep.
- zephyr-uploader — Upload test execution results to Jira Zephyr. The input is an Excel document.
- zeroinger — group of tools for data process