Reverse Dependencies of pyenchant
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyenchant:
- acheck — Causal Annotation Correction Tool
- airflow-provider-datarobot — This client library is designed to integrate Airflow with the DataRobot API.
- airflow-provider-datarobot-early-access — This client library is designed to integrate Airflow with the DataRobot API.
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- aniso8601 — A library for parsing ISO 8601 strings.
- attotime — Arbitrary precision datetime library.
- attotimebuilder — A library for using the attotime datetime API with aniso8601
- autobahn — WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
- AutomatedCleaning — Automated Data Cleaning Library
- briefcase — Tools to support converting a Python project into a standalone native application.
- bslint — A linter tool for the BrightScript language.
- buildbot — The Continuous Integration Framework
- certstream-analytics — certstream + analytics
- ciur — Ciur is a scrapper layer based on DSL for extracting data
- ckenchanter — Extends the PyEnchant library for use in a CKEditor spellcheck server.
- Click-Pathlib — 'A Python click type which is similar to click.Path but returns a pathlib Path'
- colcon-gradle — Extension for colcon to support Gradle packages.
- colcon-ros-gradle — Extension for colcon to support Ament Gradle packages.
- comment-spell-check — A script to automatically spell checks comments of a codebase.
- crossbar — multi-protocol (WAMP/WebSocket, REST/HTTP, MQTT) application router for microservices.
- cryptography — cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers.
- DAnki — Automate deck creation for Anki to learn german
- datarobot — This client library is designed to support the DataRobot API.
- datarobot-early-access — This client library is designed to support the DataRobot API.
- dj-txmoney — Adds support for working with money, currencies and rates.
- django-cogwheels — A consistent, user-friendly solution for adding app-specific settings your Django package, reusable app or framework.
- django-instant-coverage — Better-than-nothing testing for Django
- django-tinymce4-plus — A Django application that provides a fully functional TinyMCE 4 editor widget for models and forms.
- django-tinymce4-widget — A Django application that provides a TinyMCE 4 editor widget without any static files
- doccmd — Run commands against code blocks in reStructuredText and Markdown files.
- docint — Extracting information from DOCuments INTelligently.
- dsp-metadata-gui — Python GUI tool to collect metadata for DSP projects.
- E5 — Configurable data entry program for archaeology
- edm-arch — Total stations for archaeologists
- eduMFA — eduMFA: identity, multifactor authentication (OTP), authorization, audit
- ehrapy — Electronic Health Record Analysis with Python.
- EnchantX — An extension of PyEnchant Wrapper
- english-text-normalization — Command-line interface (CLI) and library to normalize English texts.
- finalcif — CIF file editor
- firewheel — FIREWHEEL is an experiment orchestration tool that assists a user in building, controlling, observing, and analyzing repeatable experiments of distributed network systems at any scale.
- flake8-plus — Flake8 plugin adding PEP8-compliant vertical whitespacing rules
- formelsammlung — Collection of different functions
- gemseo — Generic Engine for Multi-disciplinary Scenarios, Exploration and Optimization
- gourmand — Recipe Organizer and Shopping List Generator
- Grortir — Application for supporting optimization of production process.
- iqEditors — Основанные на QTextEdit продвинутые текстовые редакторы для PyQt5
- iQWorkBook — iQWorkBook (библиотека поддержки)
- jdTextEdit — An powerful texteditor with a lot of featuresr
- kak-spell — PyEnchant wrapper for Kakoune
- kdb — Knowledge (IRC) Database Bot
- ldt — Linguistic diagnostics for word embeddings
- mAdvisor — An automated AI/ML solution from Marlabs
- malpy — Minimal Assembly Language Virtual Machine
- manual-spellchecker — A manual spell checker built on pyenchant that allows you to swiftly correct misspelled words.
- morss — Get full-text RSS feeds
- moss-rl — A Python library for Reinforcement Learning.
- msgcheck — Gettext file checker.
- mypy-strict-kwargs — Enforce using keyword arguments where possible.
- nameko — A microservices framework for Python that lets service developers concentrate on application logic and encourages testability.
- network-simulator — Simulator that generates synthetic social network data
- nlp-tir — Tir is the god of written language, schooling, rhetoric, wisdom, and the arts in Armenian mythology.
- norepeat — Less codes make more tools
- nose-helper — build helper
- novelWriter — A markdown-like text editor for planning and writing novels
- numpytimebuilder — A library for using the NumPy datetime API with aniso8601
- omnisafe — A comprehensive and reliable benchmark for safe reinforcement learning.
- OpenLP — Open source Church presentation and lyrics projection application.
- optree — Optimized PyTree Utilities.
- pccc — Python Conventional Commit Checker
- pertpy — Perturbation Analysis in the scverse ecosystem.
- phonetic2bengali — convert bengali text written in english to bengali while keeping english ony text
- Photini — Simple photo metadata editor
- pip_check_reqs — Find packages that should or should not be in requirements for a project
- potypo — spellchecking for .po-files
- PwStrength — Wolfram Style Password Strength Test
- py-detail-tools — 这是一个处理字符串小工具
- pyconverters-newsml — NewsML converter (AFP news)
- pyemr — A lightweight package for running poetry projects on emr.
- pygtkspellcheck — A simple but quite powerful spellchecking library for GTK written in pure Python.
- pykindler — Schedules conversion of e-books to mobi, mails it to your kindle
- pylint — python code static checker
- pylint-pa — python code static checker, but passive-aggressive
- pymathics-natlang — no summary
- PyPago — Python Physical Analysis of Gridded Ocean
- pyqt-spellcheck — Spellchecking QTextEdit widget
- pyspread — Pyspread is a non-traditional spreadsheet application that is based on and written in the programming language Python.
- pytest-helpers-namespace — Pytest Helpers Namespace Plugin
- pytest-salt-factories — Pytest Salt Plugin
- pytest-shell-utilities — Pytest plugin to simplify running shell commands against the system
- pytest-skip-markers — Pytest Salt Plugin
- pytest-system-statistics — Pytest plugin to track and report system usage statistics
- pytest-translations — Test your translation files.
- python-camelcaser — Convert strings to camel, snake and kebab case - even if separation is unknown.
- pyvoc — cross-platform dictionary and vocabulary building command line tool.
- relativetimebuilder — A library for using the dateutil relativedeltas for calendar precision with aniso8601
- ReText — Simple editor for Markdown and reStructuredText
- revscoring — A set of utilities for generating quality scores for MediaWiki revisions
- rpmlint-codeclimate — Codeclimate parser for rpmlint
- rubicon-objc — A bridge between an Objective C runtime environment and Python.
- salt-analytics-framework — Salt Analytics Framework