Reverse Dependencies of PyDriller
The following projects have a declared dependency on PyDriller:
- awesome-library — Awesome library to interact with the awesome dynamodb inside the awesome docker container
- bugbug — ML tools for Mozilla projects
- contribution-complexity — Tool to compute the complexity of a Git contributions
- coverage-plot — Library to plot Python code coverage results
- emerge-viz — Visualize source code structure and dependencies in an interactive d3 application
- evadb — EvaDB AI-Relational Database System
- flashcommit — no summary
- formerbox — no summary
- gha-utils — ⚙️ CLI helpers for GitHub Actions + reuseable workflows
- gherald — A python package to assess the risk of a change during code review.
- gimie — Extract structured metadata from git repositories.
- git2net — An OpenSource Python package for the extraction of fine-grained and time-stamped co-editing networks from git repositories.
- graphrepo — A tool that maps a Github repo to Neo4j and Helps Mining the Repo in the DB
- minecpp — A tool to mine a GitHub repository and obtain a dataset containing a list of bug-fix pairs and related information.
- mison — MIcroService Organisational Network mining
- modified-repository-miner — A tool to mine software repositories for defect prediction.
- modified-repository-scorer — A python package to compute a repository best engineering practices indicators
- netbox-config-backup — A NetBox Switch Configuration Backup Plugin
- netbox-plugin-config-officer — NetBox plugin that store configuration/diffs, and check compliance with templates
- neurojit — A Python package for calculating the commit understandability features of Java projects.
- oarepo-cli — Utilities for managing invenio monorepo
- project-visualization-tool-GDeLuisi — Visualization tool for git-managed projects
- psaspotter — A tool for extracting of Platform-Specific APIs
- pytest-rts — Coverage-based regression test selection (RTS) plugin for pytest
- repository-miner — A tool to mine software repositories for defect prediction.
- repository-scorer — A python package to compute a repository best engineering practices indicators
- smyg — git metric calculation
- tangata — An interactive catalog for dbt_
- ublame — Add some depth to `git blame`
- varats-core — no summary
- YPackage — Yunus Emre Ak ~ YEmreAk (@yedhrab)'ın google drive direkt link oluşturmagitbook entegrasyonu, google arama motoru sonuçlarını filtreleme ile ilgili çalışmaları