Reverse Dependencies of pyDOE3
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyDOE3:
- doepy3 — Design of experiments generator with simple CSV input/output options
- farn — Python package to generate an n-dimensional case folder structure applying linear and spatial sampling strategies.
- fast-oad-core — FAST-OAD is a framework for performing rapid Overall Aircraft Design
- gemseo — Generic Engine for Multi-disciplinary Scenarios, Exploration and Optimization
- mqrpy — Design and manufacturing quality improvement toolkit
- NREL-pypsse — A high-level python interface for PSS/E
- NuclearDataSampler — Sample Nuclear Data Files
- raven-framework — RAVEN (Risk Analysis Virtual Environment) is designed to perform parametric and probabilistic analysis based on the response of complex system codes. RAVEN C++ dependenciences including a library for computing the Approximate Morse-Smale Complex (AMSC) and Crow probability tools
- smt — The Surrogate Modeling Toolbox (SMT)
- topfarm — Topfarm - Wind farm optimization using OpenMDAO
- tsroots — Optimizing Posterior Samples for Bayesian Optimization via Rootfinding
- wisdem — Wind-Plant Integrated System Design & Engineering Model