Reverse Dependencies of pyDOE2
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyDOE2:
- artap — Platform for robust design optimization
- besos — A library for Building and Energy Simulation, Optimization and Surrogate-modelling
- bojaxns — Bayesian Optimisation with JAXNS
- dcapy — Oil and Gas DCA Workflows
- dessia-common — Common tools for DessIA software
- engineeringdoe — A package for Design of Experiments (DoE) and Design Space Exploration (DSE)
- exppy — Numerical experiments in python
- facit — no summary
- GreenHEART — Green Hydrogen Energy and Renewable Technologies
- HEBO-mindspore — Heteroscedastic evolutionary bayesian optimisation
- lime-stratified — Using Stratified Sampling to Improve LIME Image Explanations
- merlin-spellbook — The building blocks of workflows!
- mvmlib — Margin Value Method Library
- nemo-bo — Multi-objective optimization of chemical processes with automated machine learning workflows
- NetLogoDOE — NetLogoDOE provides a GUI that allows for easy design, execution and analysis of NetLogo experiments
- nextorch — Experimental design and Bayesian optimization library in Python/PyTorch
- OMADS — Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS)
- parsim — A tool for working with parameterized simulation models
- pcase — A tool for generate test csse
- portchoice — Modules to design and estimate portfolio choice models
- pyapprentice — The apprentice
- pydace — Design and Analysis of Computational Experiments as python toolbox.
- pySOT — Surrogate Optimization Toolbox
- pyvplm — Variable Power-Law regression Models tool
- rapid-models — Python package (Reciprocal Data and Physics models - RaPiD-models) to support more specific, accurate and timely decision support in operation of safety-critical systems, by combining physics-based modelling with data-driven machine learning and probabilistic uncertainty assessment.
- samplersLib — A samplers library for both online and offline active sampling
- siaf — Swarm Intelligence Algorithm Framework
- StatLML — Statistical Learning Models Library
- surropt — Surrogate optimization toolbox for time consuming models
- tensordiffeq — Distributed PDE Solver in Tensorflow
- xwhy — Explain Why (XWhy) with Statistical Model-agnostic Interpretability with Local Explanations (SMILE)