Reverse Dependencies of pyDOE
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyDOE:
- amcess — Atomic and Molecular Cluster Energy Surface Sampler
- amcess2024 — Atomic and Molecular Cluster Energy Surface Sampler
- AnyPyTools — Python tools and utilities for working with the AnyBody Modeling System
- autonn — Configurable deep neural networks for neural architecture searchand hyper-parameter tuning; Cloud deployment of DNN models
- autoPyTorch — Auto-PyTorch searches neural architectures using smac
- bayes-optim — A Bayesian Optimization Library
- bet — A toolkit for data-consistent stochastic problems.
- clancyLab-squid — A set of modules to aid in atomistic and molecular simulations.
- descmap — Automatic feature selection and volcano curve generation.
- desdeo-emo — The python version reference vector guided evolutionary algorithm.
- dessia-common — Common tools for DessIA software
- doepy — Design of experiments generator with simple CSV input/output options
- dynakit — Machine Learning Toolkit for LS-Dyna Simulations
- fastvpinns — A fast tensor-driven variational physics-informed neural network library for solving PDEs.
- fluidon-doepy — Design of experiments generator with simple CSV input/output options
- glennopt — Multi and single objective optimization tool for cfd/computer simulations.
- glis — GLIS - (GL)obal optimization by (I)nverse distance weighting and (S)urrogate radial basis functions
- gpplus — Python Library for Generalized Gaussian Process Modeling
- history-matching — Package contains helper modules for using history matching for parameter optimzation.
- hypermapper — HyperMapper is a multi-objective black-box optimization tool based on Bayesian Optimization.
- lp2ply — Transform lamination parameters into stacking sequences.
- mipego — Mixed Integer Parallel - Efficient Global Optimization with GPU support
- modestpy — FMI-compliant model identification package
- MoReSQUE — Uncertainty quantification module for mosaik
- MVMO — Python package for heuristic optimization
- nglpy — A wrapper library for exposing the C++ neighborhood graph library (NGL) for computing empty region graphs to python
- npsn — Nuclear Power Surrogate Network
- optimyze — Hyperparamter optimization package
- pflacco — A Python implementation and extension to the R package flacco for computing ELA features.
- pinnde — A library for solving differential equations with PINNs and DeepONets
- prosrs — A tree-based parallel surrogate optimization algorithm for optimizing noisy expensive functions
- pvOps — pvops is a python library for the analysis of field collected operational data for photovoltaic systems.
- pwasopt — PWAS/PWASp - Global and Preference-based Optimization with Mixed Variables using (P)iece(w)ise (A)ffine (S)urrogates
- pycup — An auto-calibration tool for environmental models based on heuristic algorithms and uncertainty estimation theory.
- PyEGRO — A Python library for efficient global robust optimization
- pymecht — This is PYthon-based repository is for MECHanics of Tissue mechanics. The focus is on flexibility of adding new constitutive models and varying their parameters.
- pyrvea — The python version reference vector guided evolutionary algorithm.
- radd — RADD (Race Against Drift-Diffusion model) is a python package for fitting & simulating cognitive models of reinforcement learning and decision-making
- remin — PINN solver implemented in Pytorch
- restoreio — Reconstruct incomplete oceanographic dataset
- rheia — Robust design optimization of renewable Hydrogen and dErIved energy cArrier systems
- rheia-meca2675 — Robust design optimization of renewable Hydrogen and dErIved energy cArrier systems
- samply — A library for computing samplings in arbitrary dimensions
- sbmlsim — sbmlsim are utilities for simulation of SBML.
- sciai — A fundamental framework for simulations of engineering physics
- swiftemulator — Gaussian process emulator for creating synthetic model data across high dimensional parameter spaces, initially developed for use with the SWIFT simulation code.
- SwolfPy — Solid Waste Optimization Life-cycle Framework in Python(SwolfPy).
- tf-pde — Deep learning library for solving partial differential equations
- tremulator — A package to emulate expensive functions using Gaussian processes.
- worstcase — Worst case analysis and sensitivity studies. Extreme Value, Root-Sum-Square, Monte Carlo.