Reverse Dependencies of pydeps
The following projects have a declared dependency on pydeps:
- caikit — AI toolkit that enables AI users to consume stable task-specific model APIs and enables AI developers build algorithms and models in a modular/composable framework
- caikit-compose — Dynamic composition framework for caikit modules
- codesee-util — CodeSee Python utilities
- datethyme — Ergonomic date and time types built on Pydantic and datetime, with an emphasis on parsing, ranges, and arithmetic.
- depcheck — Python code quality package that helps in defining and restricting how components of your code may interact
- diamondback — Diamondback DSP
- difit — Diffusion weighted models fitting
- django-channel-tasks — Running background tasks through websocket, using channels-redis, from Django Admin or REST API.
- es7s — es7s system (un-)installer, shared code, settings manager
- gitbuilding — For documenting hardware projects with minimal effort,so you can stop writing and GitBuilding.
- gmpg — tools for metamodern software development
- insyde — GUI wrapper for static code analysis and visualization tools.
- mewbot-dev-tools — Mewbot Developers Tools (
- micropython-stubber — Tooling to create and maintain stubs for MicroPython
- module-coupling-metrics — Compute module coupling metrics for Python projects.
- myhumbleself — Show your webcam image on the desktop for presentations.
- nonocycle — Prevent cyclic imports before they happen
- o2a — Oozie To Airflow migration tool
- otel-inst-py — Python package that provides the basic features required for Open-Telemetry instrumentation.
- py-12f-common — This repository holds those infrastructure-level modules, that every application requires that follows the core 12-factor principles.
- py-msgp — A general purpose messaging library that provides a neutral API for the most used communication patterns, like pub-sub, request-response, etc.
- pytest-git-diff — Pytest plugin that allows the user to select the tests affected by a range of git commits
- repo-gpt — Search your code repository using GPT3.5 or GPT4.
- restrict-framework — A functional resource-oriented Web framework
- SmartCI — This package help reduce development time by choosing the right test files for your changes