Reverse Dependencies of pydantic-settings
The following projects have a declared dependency on pydantic-settings:
- deciphon-sched — Deciphon scheduler
- deciphonctl — Control Deciphon server.
- deepsearch-toolkit — Interact with the Deep Search platform for new knowledge explorations and discoveries
- defectmat — defctmat
- dell-unisphere-mock-api — A FastAPI-based mock implementation of the Dell EMC Unisphere REST API
- delos-unichunking — Universal chunking functions to extract LLM-friendly chunks from any file type.
- delta-core — Delta core
- demessaging — python module wrapper for the data analytics software framework DASF
- denser-retriever — Enterprise-grade AI retriever solution that seamlessly integrates to enhance your AI applications.
- dependency_injector — Dependency injection framework for Python
- deploydocus — A library and CLI to install/uninstall Kubernetes applications to clusters.
- deprogressapi — basic back-end progress api for the data analytics software framework dasf
- devpipe — no summary
- DevRewind — no summary
- dewy — Knowledge base service.
- dexus-vault — Synchronizer of Dex clients with secrets in Vault
- df_file_interchange — Ensures exact round-trip saves with Pandas (CSV/Parquet) and storage of validatable metadata
- dfapp-base — A Python package with a built-in web application
- dgl_client — Command line API client for DigLife
- dify-plugin — Dify Plugin SDK
- dinamis-sdk — DINAMIS SDK for Python
- diracx-core — Common code used by all DiracX packages
- dirx — no summary
- dj-pydantic-settings — Add your description here
- django-base-settings — Use Pydantic to enhance your Django application settings.
- django-flatpickr — Flatpickr based DatePickerInput, TimePickerInput and DateTimePickerInput with date-range-picker functionality for django >= 2.0
- django-react-flow — Building react-flow graph via django using yaml
- django-setup-configuration — Pluggable configuration setup used with the django management command
- dkist-service-configuration — Library for retrieving configurations for DKIST services
- dnschef-ng — A highly configurable DNS proxy for Penetration Testers and Malware Analysts
- docker-compose-parser — Simple module for parsing, modifying, and export `docker-compose` files
- docling — SDK and CLI for parsing PDF, DOCX, HTML, and more, to a unified document representation for powering downstream workflows such as gen AI applications.
- docowling — SDK and CLI for parsing PDF, DOCX, HTML, and more, to a unified document representation for powering downstream workflows such as gen AI applications.
- docsub — Embed text and data into Markdown files
- docx-weaver — Docx-Weaver is a Python class designed to convert, translate, and modify Word documents in various ways, such as adding comments, transforming text, and both. It's suitable for automating document workflows where changes to the document based on dynamic inputs are required.
- dodata — Software Development Kit - SDK for DoData
- dodata-core — Core for DoData
- doiget-tdm — A command-line application and Python library for obtaining the metadata and full-text of published journal articles for text data mining (TDM) purposes.
- doipy — A Python wrapper for DOIP.
- DotKeeper — Dotfiles manager.
- dottxt — .txt Python SDK
- doveseed — Doveseed is a backend service for email subscriptions to RSS feeds.
- dpd-lib — A package for interacting with the USGS influx db
- dranspose — A stream matrix transposition framework
- driconfig — Pydantic-ish YAML configuration management.
- drift-monitor — Drift monitoring client in Python.
- dsms-sdk — Python SDK core-package for working with the Dataspace Management System (DSMS).
- dspygen — A Ruby on Rails style framework for the DSPy (Demonstrate, Search, Predict) project for Language Models like GPT, BERT, and LLama.
- dvs-py — Deploy simple vector similarity search service by DuckDB.
- dwave-sona-core — no summary
- dyu — A wrapper click script for setting up everything related to dyumnin semiconductors projects.
- easyconfig — Easy application configuration with yaml files
- ecodev-core — Low level sqlmodel/fastapi/pydantic building blocks
- ecoindex-cli — `ecoindex-cli` is a CLI tool that let you make ecoindex tests on given pages
- ecoinvent-interface — Unofficial client for interfacing with ecoinvent database
- edgegap-service — The Edgegap Service library includes various tools and helpers for creating FastAPI Service with easy integration. It is designed for use within the Edgegap organization.
- edgegap-settings — The Edgegap Settings library includes various tools and helpers for interacting with Explicit Settings Models. It is designed for use within the Edgegap organization.
- edgy — 🔥 The perfect ORM to work with complex databases 🔥
- ei-cli — aws cli for human
- email_verification_task_ForagerAI — A FastAPI project for email verification.
- embdata — Data, types, pipes, manipulation for embodied learning.
- emmet-core — Core Emmet Library
- empaia-app-test-suite — The EMPAIA App Test Suite (EATS)
- en-mi-club-api — API entities for En Mi Club
- enbios — Enbios 2
- encomp — General-purpose library for engineering calculations
- encord-agents — A framework for producing custom agens for the Encord echosystem.
- enerbitdso — enerBit DSO (Distribution System Operator) API client
- energy-assistant — Energy Assistant
- energy-logger — Energy logger
- EnvCrypted — EnvCrypted is a high-performance Python 3.12+ package that encrypts all environment variables using age encryption with ephemeral keys generated at runtime. (Note: This package is highly experimental!)
- eodag — Earth Observation Data Access Gateway
- eodal — The Earth Observation Data Analysis Library EOdal
- eodc — Python SDK for interacting with EODC services.
- ep-stats — Statistical package to evaluate ab tests in experimentation platform.
- epam-ai-run-codemie-tools — Package with EPAM AI/Run CodeMie tools for AI Agents
- epoch8-smartrec-lib — Add your description here
- esgf-playground-utils — Common library and models for the ESGF-Playground
- esmerald — Highly scalable, performant, easy to learn, easy to code and for every application.
- eth-ape — Ape Ethereum Framework
- ethosian — Develop versatile agents integrating recall, expertise, and advanced functionalities.
- ethyca-fides — Open-source ecosystem for data privacy as code.
- etiket — no summary
- eurocropsml — EuroCropsML is a ready-to-use benchmark dataset for few-shot crop type classification using Sentinel-2 imagery.
- eventiq — Publish/Subscribe asyncio framework for Python
- evnex — A Python wrapper for the EVNEX Cloud API
- evo-featureflags-server — Feature flags server
- ews-core-config — A simple TOML configuration for EWS settings
- example_sdk — no summary
- expanse — no summary
- exponent-run — Exponent is an AI Pair Programmer
- expose-localhost — Reverse proxy that creates a secure tunnel from public endpoint to locally running web service
- extended-docling — SDK and CLI for parsing PDF, DOCX, HTML, and more, to a unified document representation for powering downstream workflows such as gen AI applications, now with Google OCR support.
- ez-otlp — ez-otlp is a simple tool that enables convenient use of modern monitoring systems with minimal configuration.
- ezrules — no summary
- f-lib — Python library created by Kyle Finley, for Kyle Finley.
- f1-fantasy — no summary
- fa-common — CSIRO Geoanalytics FastAPI Common Framework. Standardises Data access, authentication, task execution and provides a number of utilities and helper classes.
- fapi-ext — no summary
- fastabc — Ready-made FastAPI abstractions: repository, unit of work, service etc.