Reverse Dependencies of pydantic-numpy
The following projects have a declared dependency on pydantic-numpy:
- camera-management — Camera Management Module
- embodied-agents — Embodied AI
- ephemerista — Space mission analysis for telecommunications and satellite constellations
- geo-track-analyzer — Analyze geospacial data tracks
- iipyper — A Python package for rapid prototyping with MIDI and OSC
- mbodied-agents — Embodied AI
- meshemy — Developer friendly suite for manipulating mesh
- mextractor — mextractor can extract media metadata to YAML and read them
- mkstd — Make standards compatible with HDF5/JSON/XML/YAML.
- ophyd-async — Asynchronous Bluesky hardware abstraction code, compatible with control systems like EPICS and Tango
- raman-fitting — Python framework for the batch processing and deconvolution of raman spectra.
- tilemaker — no summary
- voxio — Library for ingesting and processing voxel (3D imaging) data