Reverse Dependencies of pycurl
The following projects have a declared dependency on pycurl:
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- APIFuzzer — Fuzz test your application using Swagger or OpenAPI definition without coding
- artist-getter — Getty ULAN and WikiData scraping utilities for artists
- arvados-python-client — Arvados client library
- astro-datalab — Tools for interacting with NOIRLab's Astro Data Lab.
- autond — autond
- baiocas — A simple Bayeux client for Python following the Comet paradigm.
- bgdata — Simple data repository managment.
- biomaj — BioMAJ
- biomaj-download — BioMAJ download service
- bocks-ds — DataSource Python SDK
- buildgrid — A remote execution service
- cadasta-workertoolbox — Cadasta Worker Toolbox
- CAVA — CAVA (Clinical Annotation of VAriants)
- celery — Distributed Task Queue.
- celery-connectors — Celery Connectors
- celery-custom-fix — Distributed Task Queue.
- celery-joinup — Distributed Task Queue.
- celery-yandex-serverless — Package for starting Celery worker inside Yandex Cloud Serverless Container
- ckuehl-celery — Distributed Task Queue.
- cleaninty — Python tool to perform some Nintendo console client to server operations
- cosmosid-cli — Command line interface (CLI) and Python 3 client library for interacting with the CosmosID API
- covenant — covenant
- curl-adapter — A curl HTTP adapter switch for requests library — make browser-like requests with custom TLS fingerprints.
- curldl — Safely and reliably download files with PycURL
- curlquest — A user-friendly wrapper for pycurl that simplifies HTTP requests (fork of request_curl with a few changes)
- curlyDL — A Python Download Manager SDK using libcurl
- DalineUnit — daline unit generator and runner
- db-report — Database report generation
- dbs3-pycurl — no summary
- ddf_utils — Commonly used functions/utilities for DDF file model.
- deepfos-celery — Distributed Task Queue.
- DeFiLlama-Curl — Unofficial Python wrapper for DeFi Llama API client using the PyCurl module.
- dffrntlab-thumbor — thumbor is an open-source photo thumbnail service by
- django-proxylist-for-grab — Proxy-list management application for Django
- dnsuptools — Library interfaces to dns service api for query, update, add, delete comfortably.
- docproduct — BERT in TF2.0 for Medical QA info retrieval + GPT2 for answer generation
- doublehelix — Genomic data manipulation tool
- dyffi-bus-client — A async Pub/Sub client for Dyffi-Bus
- eapt — Enhanced Advanced Packaging Tools
- echeck — 简单易用的批量环境检查工具
- fastest-pkg — Script to find the fastest pkg mirror
- fd-replay — fd-replay
- Fesh2 — Geodetic VLBI schedule management and processing
- FireDM — download manager
- forbidden — Bypass 4xx HTTP response status codes and more. Based on PycURL and Python Requests.
- fshare-cli — ('[Unofficial] Fshare command-line interface',)
- ftps — ftps client based on pycurl
- geoslurp — Python postgreSQL-PostGIS client for managing earth science datasets
- global-workqueue — no summary
- gtran — A free and unlimited Google translator.
- gues — This package is for (hybrid and) score-based causal structure learning, using unconditional equivalence classes to reduce the search space.
- halib — Small library for common tasks
- hawthorn — common python programing encapsulation library
- hgraph — A functional reactive platform used to process time-series streams. Provides support for backtest (simulation) and realtime time-series processing. Using a forward propagation graph with a microtask scheduler for the runtime engine.
- hls2dash — Command line tools for HLS to MPEG DASH repackaging
- hlsdownload — Download HLS and convert to MP4
- hs-package — hs_httpController provides http protocol network request hs_logController provides log output control
- http-pycurl — http_pycurl rewraps pycurl.
- hublot — A thin wrapper around Requests that adds caching and throttling
- IHEWAcollect — Water Accounting Collect Tools
- imbi — Imbi Service Management System
- ingrain — Python client for the ingrain server
- iqm-benchmarks — A package for implementation of Quantum Characterization, Verification and Validation (QCVV) techniques on IQM's hardware at gate level abstraction
- itkdb — Python wrapper to interface with ITk DB.
- jimit — James Iter's common library by python.
- kekmonitors — Open source codebase for development of sneakers monitors
- kisscartoon-api — The unofficial API for KissCartoon websites
- kkutils — python utils
- konnect.curl — Pythonic, asynchronous interface to Curl (cURL) using `anyio`
- label-maker — Data preparation for satellite machine learning
- log-aggregator — Create a configurable Tarball of various files in the file system
- log-shipper — Simple log shipper via HTTP
- ml-logger — no summary
- mob-suite — MOB-suite is a set of tools for finding, typing and reconstruction of plasmids from draft and complete genome assemblies.
- modulename — this is a description
- motioneye — motioneye, a multilingual web interface for motion.
- motioneye.eo — motioneye.eo, a multilingual web interface for motion.
- mpd-what — A python album art and music info getter
- namebuster — A tool for generating common username permutations from a list of names, a file, or url, to aid with username enumeration
- natrixclient — Client For Natrix - An Open Source Cloud Automation Testing Project
- neb-py — Nebulas Python SDK
- nekomata — Package to extract, visualize, convert and study interactions from database into executable activity flow based model
- neolab-ci — Command Line Tool for Neolab CI service written in Python
- netboy — the boy for net
- nexinfosys — Formal and executable MuSIASEM multi-system Nexus models for Sustainable Development Analysis
- nsaproxy — nsaproxy
- ntripbrowser — CLI tool to easily get NTRIP caster information
- nvchecker — New version checker for software
- obiba-agate — OBiBa/Agate python client.
- ocx_common — A python package with common classes and functions used across several projects
- onegov.core — Contains code shared by all OneGov applications.
- opendiamond — OpenDiamond Platform for Interactive Search
- opsAgent — Monitoring client based on OpsMgr
- owasp-jenkins — Automate your OWASP analysis within a Jenkins docker container that is preconfigured to use Ansible to scan and report on potential python security issues before they are deployed to production.
- paradrop — ParaDrop wireless virtualization
- patator — Multi-purpose brute-forcer
- perfometrics — A python library to measure the performance metrics of a website
- playlistzip — Join two to four youtube playlists into viewsync links. Joining is accomplished by episode numbers, collected from video titles.
- populi-mrobison — A module for interacting with the populi api.