Reverse Dependencies of pyconll
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyconll:
- adapted-NERDA — A Framework for Finetuning Transformers for Named-Entity Recognition
- DadmaTools — DadmaTools is a Persian NLP toolkit
- danlp — DaNLP: NLP in Danish
- deepmorpheus — Morphological tagger for Ancient Greek and Latin using deep learning
- finetunetags — A Framework for Finetuning Transformers for Named-Entity Recognition
- lambre — a tool to measure the grammatical well-formedness of multilingual texts
- NERDA — A Framework for Finetuning Transformers for Named-Entity Recognition
- NERDA-Con — Extending NERDA Library for Continual Learning
- NERP — A pipeline for fine-tuning pre-trained transformers for Named Entity Recognition (NER) tasks
- SENDA — Framework for Fine-tuning Transformers for Sentiment Analysis
- ud-ted — A tree edit-distance tool for Universal Dependencies.
- visidata — terminal interface for exploring and arranging tabular data