Reverse Dependencies of pycollada
The following projects have a declared dependency on pycollada:
- brom_drake — A set of convenient logging and testing tools for the Drake robotics toolbox.
- cellpack — algorithm to pack molecular recipes
- gr-urchin — URDF parser and manipulator for Python
- hippolyzer — Analysis tools for SL-compatible virtual worlds
- manipulation — MIT 6.421 - Robotic Manipulation
- murdfpy — URDF parser and manipulator for Python
- pcg-gazebo — A Python package for rapid-prototyping and scripting of simulations for Gazebo
- pioneer-common-gui — Pioneer gui utility package
- py4design — Python Library for Rapid Development of Design Workflows
- py4design-cea — Python Library for Rapid Development of Design Workflows (CEA fork)
- pyliburo — Python Library for Urban Optimization
- pyrobosim — ROS 2 enabled 2D mobile robot simulator for behavior prototyping.
- QtQmlViewport — Python QtQml 3D viewer toolkit
- robomeshcat — RoboMeshCat - Set of utilities for visualizing robots in web-based visualizer MeshCat.
- scikit-robot — A Flexible Framework for Robot Control in Python
- sim-web-visualizer — Web based visualizer for simulators
- tri-again — Scenegraph for quickly debugging 3D meshes, polylines, and points
- trimesh — Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes.
- uaibot — A browser-based robotic simulator
- urchin — URDF parser and manipulator for Python
- urdfpy — URDF parser and manipulator for Python