Reverse Dependencies of pycognito
The following projects have a declared dependency on pycognito:
- anovate-ai-dataset-download — no summary
- arktci-airflow-provider-filemaker — Apache Airflow provider for FileMaker Cloud
- cognitoAuth — authenticate with cognito backend
- datoma — Library to create, submit and handle Datoma's jobs and workflows from Python
- echostream-botocore — Provides a botocore.session.Session implementation for accessing EchoStream Tenant resources
- echostream-managed-app — Application that implements the managed app functionality
- echostream-node — EchoStream library for implementing remote nodes
- echostream-terrafy — Takes an existing EchoStream Tenant and creates a Terraform script and statefile for it
- edilkamin — Edilkamin Stove Python client
- evnex — A Python wrapper for the EVNEX Cloud API
- fmdata — fmdata is a wrapper around the FileMaker Data API.
- fovus — The Fovus Python CLI
- fujitsu-quantum — Fujitsu Quantum Cloud SDK
- gql-appsync-cognito-authentication — An AppSyncAuthentication implementation for gql.transport.aiohttp.AIOHTTPTransport using pycognito
- hass-kingsignal — KS Assistant cloud integration by Kingsignal, Inc.
- hass-nabucasa — Home Assistant cloud integration by Nabu Casa, Inc.
- hass-uniocloud — Home Assistant cloud integration by UNIO Smart Home
- nice-go — Control various Nice access control products
- nomnomdata-auth — Handle authorization to Nom Nom Data services
- opp-net — Open Peer Power cloud integration
- otf-api — Python OrangeTheory Fitness API Client
- oz-defender — no summary
- pubweb — CLI tool for interacting with the PubWeb platform
- pycarta — Python interface to Carta.
- pycognitocli — CLI for
- pyemvue — Unofficial library for interacting with the Emporia Vue energy monitor.
- pylitterbot — Python package for controlling Whisker automatic robots.
- pymyenergi — Python library and CLI for communicating with myenergi API.
- pypentair — Python package for interacting with Pentair Home devices
- pypetwalk — Python library to communicate with the petWALK.control module
- pypura — Python package for interacting with Pura smart fragrance diffuser
- pyschlage — Python API for interacting with Schlage WiFi locks.
- python-fmrest — python-fmrest is a wrapper around the FileMaker Data API.
- python-xsense — XSense Python Module
- pyupgw — Python client for Unisenza Plus
- stcog — A package for streamlit and aws auth link
- streamlit-cognito-auth — A Streamlit component for authenticating users with AWS Cognito
- streamlit-cognito-auth-v2 — A Streamlit component for authenticating users with AWS Cognito
- superai — super.AI API
- unearthed-cli — Unearthed CLI Tool
- villaAuthSdk — authenticate with cognito backend