Reverse Dependencies of pycld2
The following projects have a declared dependency on pycld2:
- af — Af format tools
- bicleaner — Parallel corpus classifier, indicating the likelihood of a pair of sentences being mutual translations or not
- deepl-tr-async — deepl translate for free, based on pyppeteer
- english-detector — A python package to detect english text
- fake-news-detector — This is a fake news detector trained on different languages and mainly on COVID19 domain
- harken-languages — ...
- icenews — Simple NLP for Icelandic News
- invisible-rabbit — Scalable Data Preprocessing Tool for Training Large Language Models
- invisible-unicorn — Scalable Data Preprocessing Tool for Training Large Language Models
- Kahi-impactu-utils — Utils for Kahi Impactu project.
- Kahi-works — Kahi plugin to insert and update works from all databases available
- libretranslate-euber — My personal porting of libretranslate
- m3inference — M3 Inference
- MelloBot — A Multi Action Fortnite Bot with Admin Controls
- multi-rake — Multilingual Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) for Python
- nemo-curator — Scalable Data Preprocessing Tool for Training Large Language Models
- NeoBot — A Multi Action Fortnite Bot with Admin Controls
- objection-engine — Library that turns comment chains into Ace Attorney scenes, used in several bots
- opuscleaner — no summary
- opusfilter — Toolbox for filtering parallel corpora
- ovos-lang-detector-classics-plugin — average plugin classifications for language detection
- PartyBot — A Multi Action Fortnite Bot
- phrase-counter — Counting stop words.
- polyglot-fork — Polyglot is a natural language pipeline that supports massive multilingual applications.
- profanity-filter — A Python library for detecting and filtering profanity
- profanity-filter2 — A Python library for detecting and filtering profanity
- pysarcat — Sientific papers categorization.
- sagas — sagas ai stack
- sanstem — A rule-based stemmer for Sanskrit Verbs and Nouns
- sentspace — no summary
- soumayan1 — This is a fake news detector trained on different languages and mainly on COVID19 domain
- soumayan3 — This is a fake news detector trained on different languages and mainly on COVID19 domain
- soumayan4 — This is a fake contents detector trained on different languages and mainly on COVID19 domain
- textlang — textlang
- tinybee — A tiny aligner for dualtext alignment
- tweet-nlp-toolkit — NLP toolkit for tweets