Reverse Dependencies of pycifrw
The following projects have a declared dependency on pycifrw:
- aiida-core — AiiDA is a workflow manager for computational science with a strong focus on provenance, performance and extensibility.
- aiida-crystal17 — AiiDA plugin for running the CRYSTAL17 code
- aiida-gulp — AiiDA plugin for running the GULP MD code
- aiida-vasp — AiiDA plugin for running VASP calculations and workflows.
- aiidalab-widgets-base — Reusable widgets for AiiDAlab applications.
- chi1chi2 — set of scripts for calculating linear and nonlinear optical properties of organic crystals
- cif2cell — Construct a unit cell from CIF data
- cif2ice — Prepare ice modules for GenIce from CIF file
- ciftostr — A small utility to convert crystal structures in CIF format into TOPAS STR format.
- crystal-builder-step — A SEAMM plug-in for creating crystals from prototypes, including Strukturbericht designations.
- crystals — Data structures for crystallography
- diffpy.Structure — Crystal structure container and parsers for structure formats.
- dioptas — GUI program for reduction and exploration of 2D X-ray diffraction data
- fdat — Fast Diffraction Analysis Tool
- filter-los-csd — CML tool filtering line-of-sights contacts
- flowws-analysis — Stage-based scientific workflows for system analysis
- mgtoolbox-kernel — no summary
- mofun — Find and replace functional groups in any given periodic structure.
- molsystem — molsystem
- orix — orix is an open-source Python library for handling crystal orientation mapping data
- PACMAN-charge — Partial Atomic Charges for Porous Materials based on Graph Convolutional Neural Network (PACMAN)
- parsnip-cif — Minimal library for parsing CIF & mmCIF files in Python.
- pdb-eda — Methods for analyzing electron density maps in wwPDB
- pdCIFplotter — A program for visualising diffraction data in pdCIF format.
- pyexafs — A simple package for fast analysis of EXAFS data
- pyresid — Python tools for mining Protein Residuals from Fulltext articles using PMC number, ePMC and PDB
- rmc-discord — Reverse Monte Carlo refinement of diffuse scattering and correlated disorder from single crystals
- SingleOrigin — Crystallographic analysis for STEM data
- sovapy — SOVA (Structural Order Visualization and Analysis) with python
- xfab — Crystallographic toolbox and library
- xrd-simulator — Tools for diffraction simulation of s3dxrd type experiments.