Reverse Dependencies of pybtex
The following projects have a declared dependency on pybtex:
- accorder — Accorder makes Calibre library portable as standalone webapp and ready to be shared at Memory of the World Library.
- aclpubcheck — no summary
- annotated-bibliography — Simple annotated bibliography generator
- bibL — A minimalistic bibtex linter
- bibla — A minimalistic bibLaTeX linter by Tristan Cuvelier.
- biblatex2bibtex — Convert biblatex files to bibtex.
- biblibrary — A simple command line tool for bibliography management
- bibolamazi — Prepare consistent BibTeX files for your LaTeX documents
- bibtex-dblp — Create and revise bibtex entries from DBLP.
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- brainscore-core — no summary
- CITeX — Tools to manage large BibTex libraries
- clld-glottologfamily-plugin — A clld plugin adding language family information from Glottolog
- cocopack — Programmatic toolkits for Python and shell scripting
- codesnipper — A lightweight framework for censoring student solutions files and extracting code + output
- collabutils — Utilities for collaborative data curation
- ConferenceCorpus — python api providing access to academic events and event series from different sources
- dblp-bibtex — DBLP Bibtex Normalization
- ditrans2cldf — Small library for converting Ditransitive-style Filemaker databases to CLDF
- dolphin — Workflows for generating surface displacement maps using InSAR
- download-arxiv — no summary
- echemdb — a Python library to work with the echemdb repository
- edsnlp — Modular, fast NLP framework, compatible with Pytorch and spaCy, offering tailored support for French clinical notes.
- emmet — Emmet is a builder framework for the Materials Project
- emmet-core — Core Emmet Library
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- esma — Quantum Espresso automation tool
- filterbib — A Python package that includes a Python and Bash script to filter particular fields from a bib-file
- h-transport-materials — Handle H transport properties
- HofstadterTools — A Python package for analyzing the Hofstadter model.
- idspy — Python library providing shared code for IDS datasets
- iga — The InvenioRDM GitHub Archiver (IGA) automatically archives GitHub releases in an InvenioRDM repository.
- imbib — Cite papers by their URLs.
- jayshree1 — A small example package
- krotov — Python implementation of Krotov's method for quantum optimal control
- lamarkdown — A tool for compiling markdown files into standalone HTML documents, using Python Markdown. Supports Latex (given an existing Tex distribution), custom CSS and JavaScript, multiple document variations from a single source file, and a live output view.
- lander — HTML landing page generator for LSST PDF documentation deployed from Git to LSST the Docs.
- latexsuite — Support your bash needs when working with latex projects in git repositories.
- lektor-bibtex-support — Bibtex file support to easily include publication lists.
- lektor-citation — This Plugin should extend lektor with APA-styled citations using bibtex files. It was based on the known lektor-bibtex-support plugin by arunpersaud.
- livvkit — The land ice verification and validation toolkit
- lsst-projectmeta-kit — Python toolkit for extracting and transforming metadata about LSST's code and documentation projects, and loading it into the LSST projectmeta database.
- makebib — A simple script to generate a local bib file from a central database.
- manim-present — Configuration-based HTML presentation producer using Manim.
- matbench-genmetrics — Generative materials benchmarking metrics, inspired by CDVAE.
- MDAnalysis — An object-oriented toolkit to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories.
- mechcite — Python package for decorating classes and functions with a citation and generating a bibliography when those are used
- metasrc — LSST project metadata synthesis and JSON-LD export library.
- mkdocs-bibtex — An MkDocs plugin that enables managing citations with BibTex
- mkdocs-bibtex-recursive — An MkDocs plugin that enables managing citations with BibTex
- mkdocs-paralex-plugin — Build static sites for paralex lexicons
- mp-time-split — Use Materials Project time-splits for generative modeling benchmarking.
- mqt.debugger — A quantum circuit debugging tool
- mqt.qmap — A tool for Quantum Circuit Mapping
- mtdata — mtdata is a tool to download datasets for machine translation
- opla-ssg — A personal webpage generator
- ORCSchlange — Create a nice static publishing websites from ORCIDs.
- paper-qa — LLM Chain for answering questions from docs
- paperparser — A tool for parsing academic papers
- papers — Simple reference manager in Python
- paralex — Standard for lexicons of inflected paradigms
- pelican-bibliography — Generated bibliography in Pelican that can be rendered in references and citations
- pelican-cite — Allows the use of BibTeX citations within a Pelican site
- pelican-pybtex — Manage your academic publications page with Pelican and pybtex (BibTeX)
- pelican-references — Generate bibliographies from BibTeX files
- potnia — Potnia is an open-source Python library designed to convert Romanized transliterations of ancient texts into Unicode representations of ther respective native scripts..
- pybamm — Python Battery Mathematical Modelling
- pybibget — Command line utility to automatically retrieve BibTeX citations from MathSciNet, arXiv, PubMed and
- pybtex-apa7-style — Provides APA7 style for Pybtex
- pybtex-author-year-label — Defines an author-year inline citation style for Pybtex.
- pybtex-docutils — A docutils backend for pybtex.
- pybtexnbib — A pybtex plugin for NBIB/Medline/PubMed files
- pybtexris — A pybtex plugin for working with RIS files.
- pycldf — A python library to read and write CLDF datasets
- pyclics — creating colexification networks from lexical data
- pyclts — Programmatic access to CLTS
- pyconcepticon — programmatic curation of concepticon-data
- pycyclops — Framework for healthcare ML implementation
- pydictionaria — no summary
- pyexafs — A simple package for fast analysis of EXAFS data
- pyglottolog — python package for glottolog data curation
- pylipd — Python utilities for handling LiPD data
- pymatgen — Python Materials Genomics is a robust materials analysis code that defines core object representations for structures
- pymetamodels — The pymetamodels package combines machine learning (ML) metamodeling and analysis tools for the virtual development of modeling systems within a common abstract framework implemented in an accessible and distributable Python package. This package is oriented to support ML applications in material science, material informatics and the construction of materials, components and systems soft metamodels informed by hard physics-based modelling and experimental characterisations.
- pymovements — A python package for processing eye movement data
- pypofatu — programmatic access to pofatu-data
- pysme-astro — Spectroscopy Made Easy
- refcliq — Community analysis in bibliographical references
- robocrys — Automatic generation of crystal structure descriptions
- salted — Smart, Asynchronous Link Tester with Database backend
- SciANN — A Keras/Tensorflow wrapper for scientific computations and physics-informed deep learning using artificial neural networks.
- SciANN-macos — A Keras/Tensorflow wrapper for scientific computations and physics-informed deep learning using artificial neural networks.
- sisl — Manipulation and post-processing of DFT output and creating tight-binding models for NEGF transport
- sl-sources — Code for Society Library Sources
- socialED — A Python Library for Social Event Detection
- sphinx-astrorefs — Astro-style references in Sphinx documents
- sphinx-pybtex-etal-style — Abbreviate long author lists with et al. in BibTeX bibliographies for Sphinx
- sphinxcontrib-bibtex — Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations.
- spurt — Spatial and Temporal phase Unwrapping for InSAR time-series
- svgdigitizer — svgdigitizer is a Python library and command line tool to recover the measured data underlying plots in scientific publications.