Reverse Dependencies of pybind11
The following projects have a declared dependency on pybind11:
- aat — Algorithmic trading library
- adastra — Astra - Pytorch
- aimet-onnx — AIMET onnx package
- alpa — Alpa automatically parallelizes large tensor computation graphs and runs them on a distributed cluster.
- amber_mcap — Annotation and Multimodal Bag Extraction for Robotics
- anovos — An Open Source tool for Feature Engineering in Machine Learning
- anygrad — A Tensor module that allows a deep learning framework to switch seamlessly between different engines.
- approxposterior — Gaussian Process Approximation to Posterior Distributions
- atomsciflow — A workflow manger for scientific research involving atoms
- atomsciml — machine learning environment for scientific research involving atom.
- balrog-nle — BALROG version of The NetHack Learning Environment (NLE)
- batoid — Optics raytracer
- BayesBoom — Tools for Bayesian modeling.
- bboptpy — Powerful and scalable black-box optimization algorithms for Python and C++.
- bertrand — (in development) Type-safe language bindings for Python/C++
- binarybrain — BinaryBrain for Python
- bingo-nasa — A package for genetic optimization and symbolic regression
- biobridge — A library for simulating all biology related things, analyzing them and visualizing them.
- bioinf-common — Aggregation of functionalities needed in multiple projects
- bitswan — Bitswan is a framework for building automations and pipelines in Jupyter
- blending-toolkit — Blending ToolKit
- botris-interface — A performant library designed for creating and managing bots in a Tetris-like game environment. This library offers various tools and features to build, test, and deploy bots efficiently to Botris.
- BriCA2 — BriCA Version 2 Python bindings
- bspump — BSPump is a real-time stream processor for Python 3.6+
- cacheline — no summary
- cad2vox — A python library to provide the user interface for the CudaVox library
- cars-filter — Filter outliers from a point cloud
- cars-rasterize — Convert a point cloud into a digital surface (or terrain) model with colors.
- cars-resample — Resample an image according to a resampling grid.
- cassarrow — Apache Arrow adapter for the Cassandra python driver
- ccimport — a tiny package for fast python c++ binding build.
- chaps-lzf — no summary
- chexutil — C++ accelerated classes and functions to deal with hexagonal grids.
- chinillablspy — BLS signatures in c++ (python bindings)
- CIDAN — cidan-Calcium Imaging Data ANalysis
- cirkit — A C++ logic synthesis framework
- cliquematch — Finding correspondence via maximum cliques in large graphs
- cluster-shapley — Explaining dimensionality reduction using SHAP values
- codam — A sample Python package with a C++ extension.
- codecontest — no summary
- commonroad-clcs — Curvilinear (Frenet) Coordinate System for motion planning.
- commonroad-reach — A Toolbox for Computing Reachable Sets of Automated Vehicles
- commonroad-rl — Tools for applying reinforcement learning on commonroad scenarios.
- composite-ufjc-scission-ufl-fenics — The Python package for the composite uFJC model with scission implemented in the Unified Form Language (UFL) for FEniCS.
- coneref — no summary
- confseq — Confidence sequences and uniform boundaries
- conifer — BDT Inference for FPGAs
- cosbr — Solver using Simulated Bifurcation
- cppjieba — cppjieba Python bindings
- cppjieba-py — python bindings of cppjieba
- cpyquickhelper — Module with C functions. No precise purpose yet.
- crackle-codec — Crackle 3D dense segmentation compression codec.
- craytraverse — adaptive sampling for CBDM
- crowdsource — Realtime Competitions
- CudaVox — Python bindings for a C++ library to convert mesh models into Voxel images with OpenMp and CUDA
- cumm — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu102 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu111 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu113 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu114 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu116 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu117 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu118 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu120 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu121 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu122 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu124 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cumm-cu126 — CUda Matrix Multiply library
- cut-pursuit-py — Cut Pursuit Algorithm for Point Cloud Segmentation
- cyclicbm — Cyclic Boosting Machines
- cytotransform — Rapid transformations for cytometry data
- daggerpy — DAG tools to process numerical topography and landscape evolution models
- danish — Geometric donut engine
- dann5 — A Library of Quantum computing types for programming
- darmatch — darmatch Python bindings
- data-collect — project descriptions here
- dbbpy — Python interface to recover a bound on ex ante dispersionof beliefs (DBB) from asset prices, based on Pazarbasi, Altan and Schneider, Paul Georg and Vilkov, Grigory, Dispersion of Beliefs Bounds: Sentimental Recovery (October 31, 2019). Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper No. 19-57, Management Science, forthcoming, Available at SSRN: or
- dbbpy-test — no summary
- dbbpy-testing — My Python package with C++ bindings
- dcdftbmd-tools — A Toolkit for handling DCDFTBMD input/output
- dcona — Differential Correlation Network Analysis
- DCSPrivtestPack — no summary
- DDFacet — Facet-based radio astronomy continuum imager
- deeppavlov — An open source library for building end-to-end dialog systems and training chatbots.
- deepsearch-glm — Graph Language Models
- deeptime — Python library for analysis of time series data including dimensionality reduction, clustering, and Markov model estimation.
- deism — An image source-based method used to simulate room transfer functions for arbitrary room shapes.
- designer2 — designerV2
- dexhandpy — Fourier dexhand general sdk
- dezrest — serve ez/dz/de bee via FastAPI rest
- dgpsi — Deep and Linked Gaussian Process Emulations using Stochastic Imputation
- dhllinalg — Basic Linear Algebra in C++ (TU Vienna - ASC)
- diffCheck — DiffCheck is a package to check the differences between two timber structures
- digneapy — Python version of the DIGNEA code for instance generation
- dimlpfidex — Discretized Interpretable Multi Layer Perceptron (DIMLP) and related algorithms
- DipolEq — DipolEq equilibrium solver python bindings.
- diverge — DIVERGE 4.0: A Python package for detecting functional divergence in protein family evolution
- dlio-profiler-py — I/O profiler for deep learning python apps. Specifically for dlio_benchmark.
- dlup — A package for digital pathology image analysis
- docstring-generator-ext — Auto generate docstring from type-hints.