Reverse Dependencies of pyasn1-modules
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyasn1-modules:
- immudb-py — Python SDK for Immudb
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- ImputeHiFI — no summary
- insight-extractor — Identify Insights in Full Text Documents
- inspirems — Helping to integrate Spectral Predictors and Rescoring.
- internationaltouch-oauth2client — OAuth 2.0 client library
- ipalib — FreeIPA common python library
- iqradre — no summary
- ironic — OpenStack Bare Metal Provisioning
- isomorphic — isomorphic interfaces for cli, api, yaml, json, gui
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jarvis-akul2010 — A library built to make it extremely easy to build a simple voice assistant.
- jrvc — Libraries for RVC inference
- k8s-workload-restarter — no summary
- kanao — Kanao is a project designed to train a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model on custom datasets. It provides the capability to train the model using various data sources, including PDFs, Word documents, plain text files, and URLs.
- kaniko-deploy — no summary
- komponents — Generates Kubeflow Components from Kubernetes CRD specifications
- kotori — Kotori is a data acquisition, processing and graphing toolkit for humans
- legion — Legion
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- lftools — Linux Foundation Release Engineering Tools
- lg-rez — Discord bot for organizing Werewolf RP games ESPCI-style
- libmv — a library to create music videos
- livermask — A package for automatic segmentation of liver from CT data
- llmvm-cli — Command Line LLM with client-side tools support.
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- mafiagg — A Python wrapper for the MafiaGG API
- maleo-core — Core package for Maleo
- mapyllary — Unofficial Mapillary API
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- matrix-synapse — Homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- matrix-synapse-jitsi — Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- matrix-synapse-ray — Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- mdast-cli — Dynamic-Mobile-Security
- mdml — Application of Deep learning on molecular dymanamics trajectories
- meadowrun — The easiest way to run python code on one or more remote machines
- mimir-ai — no summary
- mktdata — no summary
- moz-crlite-query — Query CRLite for a certificate, or certificate information
- mozi-ai — 墨子AI:军事人工智能领航者, developed by HSFW
- mwcp — A framework for malware configuration parsers.
- myz-tools — Python helper tools
- naver-core — A Core Ancestor Library
- NehorayRapid — Rapid base tools package
- NehorayRapid1 — Rapid base tools package
- neurocat — Interface Design for Neurocat's Research Engineer Test
- neuronsphere — Python bundle for all public NeuronSphere components
- neurovc — Framework for Computer Vision setups in Neuroscience
- neutron-lbaas — OpenStack Networking Load Balancing as a Service
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- notion2googlecalendar — A package to synchronize Notion tasks with Google Calendar
- nucypher — A threshold access control application to empower privacy in decentralized systems.
- oauth2client — OAuth 2.0 client library
- octavia — OpenStack Octavia Scalable Load Balancer as a Service
- officelyTest — A brief description of your package
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- oneidentity-safeguard-sessions-plugin-sdk — One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions Plugin SDK
- oni-api — Helper para consumo de APIs
- OniPKG-Api — Helper para consumo de APIs
- openhub — An open source iOT controller.
- openhub-api — An open source GUI for the openhub iOT controller.
- ops-cli — Ops - wrapper for Terraform, Ansible, and SSH for cloud automation
- orka-sdk — Control Orka clusters and the macOS VMs they run.
- os-copilot — An self-improving embodied conversational agents seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- own-knowledge-gpt — Custom Knowledge GPT
- padc — python active directory cli using python-ldap lib
- pak8 — no summary
- PaMoveIt — A movement recognition library
- pangsitpy — Pangsit(py) is my starter pack framework represented in Python to deal with learning computing such as Machine/Deep Learning, Data Science, etc.
- pii-data-generator — It generats the dummy 'Personally identifiable information' data
- pitchr — A Python library and framework for composing and playing music.
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- playlist-kreator — Create playlists easily from a list of artists, using their top songs.
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- poezio — A console XMPP client
- politweet — library for processing italian political tweets
- poly-app-downloader — app_downloader
- pquisby — Quisby is a data processing and visualization tool for benchmark testing.
- PREAGeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- prefect-duckdb — Prefect intergrations with DuckDB.
- proliantutils — Client Library for interfacing with various devices in HP Proliant Servers.
- pureml-llm — no summary
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- pyjks — Pure-Python Java Keystore (JKS) library
- pypowervm — Python binding for the PowerVM REST API
- pyrit-library — no summary
- pysecurecircuit — Python library for secure multi-party computation using garbled circuits
- python-fade — FADE is a project aimed at detecting fallacies in various forms of speech. Upgrading and optimizing this tool will enable the identification of unethical, manipulative, and persuasive discourse from politicians, influencers, and even our friends and families.
- python-scciclient — Python ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI) Client Library
- quartic-sdk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quartic-sdk-gsk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quick-mail — A simple commandline application for sending mails quickly
- radicale-ldap-auth — Плагин авторизации в radicale под доменными пользователями
- rarefaction — Rarefaction and Accumulation for Metagenomic datasets
- readet — This patch includes several improvement to RAGs, summarizers, downloders and retrievers; plus compatibility for windows installation