Reverse Dependencies of pyarrow-stubs
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyarrow-stubs:
- altair — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- athena-federation — Unofficial Python SDK for Athena Federation
- deltaextra — A couple extra features to tack on to delta
- fakesnow — Fake Snowflake Connector for Python. Run, mock and test Snowflake DB locally.
- fmu.dataio — Facilitate data io in FMU with rich metadata
- infrasys — no summary
- narwhals — Extremely lightweight compatibility layer between dataframe libraries
- pycupiddb — Python client for CupidDB
- ray-elasticsearch — Unified, type-safe access to web archive APIs.
- rbyte — Multimodal PyTorch dataset library
- shiny — A web development framework for Python.
- space-datasets — Unified storage framework for machine learning datasets
- ssb-fagfunksjoner — Fellesfunksjoner for ssb i Python
- xocto — Kraken Technologies Python service utilities