Reverse Dependencies of py3nvml
The following projects have a declared dependency on py3nvml:
- ai-z — GPU usage graph in the terminal for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs
- aim-cli — A super-easy way to record, search and compare AI experiments.
- aim-stack — Version control for AI
- aimstack — Version control for AI
- blendr-cli — Blendr CLI tool for GPU Lending
- blendrnetwork-cli — A CLI tool for Blendr
- blendrnetwork-test-cli — A CLI tool for Blendr
- colornet — colornet in tf2 keras
- coretex — A package for AI experiment tracking, infrastructure and dataset management using platform.
- cox — Tools for Experiment Logging
- crainets — deep learning utility library
- — Package for Robust Statistics
- gpumeter — Power Meter for NVIDIA GPUs
- guro — A Simple System Monitoring & Benchmarking Toolkit
- jupyter-power-usage — Extension that shows system power usage
- jupyter-probe — A package to monitor, manage, declare and analyse notebook resource usage on jupyter environments
- keras-metric-learning — Deep metric learning in tf2 keras
- neural-art — Neural art in Python and tf2
- npc-engine — Deep learning inference and NLP toolkit for game development.
- nvstatsrecorder — NVStatsRecorder
- oknlp — OKNLP
- onnxruntime-tools — Transformers Model Optimization Tool of ONNXRuntime
- papermill_watermark — no summary
- pyraytracer — Ray tracing in Python and tf2
- pysmurf — Segmentation and Manifold UnRolling Framework (SMURF)
- pytorchjeeves — Utilities to help train models with pytorch
- resource-monitor-scanner — no summary
- robustness — Tools for Robustness
- tfjeeves — Utilities to help train models with tensorflow2 and keras
- trust_eval — Metric to measure RAG responses with inline citations
- watermark — IPython magic function to print date/time stamps and various system information.