Reverse Dependencies of py-cpuinfo
The following projects have a declared dependency on py-cpuinfo:
- Accuinsight — Model life cycle and monitoring library in Accuinsight+
- afipcaeqrdecode — Package to decode and extract invoice metadata from an AFIP CAE qr code link
- ai-z — GPU usage graph in the terminal for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- amifast — amifast: simple powerful benchmarking with Python
- andromeda-torch — Andromeda - Pytorch
- ApiTools-for-aiyoloAPI — api tools
- ApiTools-fsdjfoi — Description of your library
- arline-benchmarks — Automated benchmarking platform for quantum compilers
- artifi — A Automation Tool Made By Noob
- auto-round — Repository of AutoRound: Advanced Weight-Only Quantization Algorithm for LLMs
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- autonomi-nos — Nitrous oxide system (NOS) for computer-vision.
- autovariate — A package made for streamlining Variational Autoencoders
- azureml-automl-common-tools — Internal metapackage used for Azure machine learning.
- badlands-doe-toolset — badlands_doe_toolset is a set of tools to help build and analyse Design of Experiment configurations for badlands modelling
- bcipy — Python Software for Brain-Computer Interface.
- beta-rec — Beta-RecSys: Build, Evaluate and Tune Automated Recommender Systems
- bfas — Brute Force Architecture Search
- bigdl-llm — Large Language Model Develop Toolkit
- bigdl-nano — High-performance scalable acceleration components for intel.
- binpan — Binance API wrapper with backtesting tools.
- blosc2 — A high-performance compressed ndarray library with a flexible compute engine
- bluemist — Bluemist AI is a low code machine learning library written in Python to develop, evaluate and deploy automated ML pipleines.
- booltest — Booltest: Polynomial randomness tester
- bpm-ai-inference — Inference and server for local AI implementations of bpm-ai-core abstractions.
- Brian2 — A clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks
- cabrnet — Generic library for prototype-based classifiers
- calabash-experimenter — A software energy experiment orchestrator.
- capsula — A Python package to capture command/function execution context for reproducibility.
- causalbench-asu — Spatio Temporal Causal Benchmarking Platform
- cengal — General purpose library
- cengal-light — General purpose library
- CengalPolyBuild — A Comprehensive and Hackable Build System for Multilingual Python Packages: Cython (including automatic conversion from Python to Cython), C/C++, Objective-C, Go, and Nim, with ongoing expansions to include additional languages
- chai-sacred — Facilitates automated and reproducible experimental research
- cheesechaser — Swiftly get tons of images from indexed tars on Huggingface.
- chessboard — CLI to solve combinatoric chess puzzles.
- chia-tea — A library dedicated to chia-blockchain farmer.
- chronogram — Chrono-gram, the diachronic word embedding model based on Word2vec Skip-gram with Chebyshev approximation
- codearth — Calculate your carbon emission !
- codecarbon — no summary
- codeproject-ai-sdk — Python SDK for writing Modules for CodeProject AI Server
- codetrack — Calculate your carbon emission !
- composer — Composer is a PyTorch library that enables you to train neural networks faster, at lower cost, and to higher accuracy.
- conbench — Continuous Benchmarking (CB) Framework
- cpu-monitor — Cpu monitoring and burning tool
- cpumodel — Get info about your CPU
- crop-yolo — Crop people from jpg files via yolo v10
- danila — This is the module for detecting and classifying text on rama pictures
- danila-lib — This is the module for detecting and classifying text on rama pictures
- daskperiment — A lightweight tool to perform reproducible machine learning experiment using Dask.
- DDFacet — Facet-based radio astronomy continuum imager
- deeplabcut-live — Class to load exported DeepLabCut networks and perform pose estimation on single frames (from a camera feed)
- devito — Finite Difference DSL for symbolic computation.
- dghs-imgutils — A convenient and user-friendly anime-style image data processing library that integrates various advanced anime-style image processing models.
- doclayout-yolo — DocLayout-YOLO: an effecient and robust document layout analysis method.
- DPA — The Density Peak Advanced packages.
- drcell — GUI to generate, cluster and optimize dimensionality reduction output
- ds-boost — Package for Practical & efficient Data Science in Python. Initially written for data-science-keras repo
- dvinfo — A package for getting system information on Windows and Linux
- EA2P — EA2P (Energy-Aware Application Profiler): A multi-platform profiling tool that offers precise and detailed energy usage measurements for applications, with the ability to adapt to different needs.
- eco2ai — emission tracking library
- edgesoftware — A CLI wrapper for management of IntelĀ® Edge Software Hub packages.
- encpng — A steganographic library to encrypt files and text in PNG images
- enova — enova
- esrally — Macrobenchmarking framework for Elasticsearch
- face-rhythm — A pipeline for analysis of facial behavior using optical flow
- fastcdc — FastCDC (content defined chunking) in pure Python.
- fastestimator — Deep learning framework
- fastestimator-nightly — Deep learning framework
- fastllama-python-test — no summary
- feloopy — FelooPy: Efficient and feature-rich integrated decision environment
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- flowcept — Capture and query workflow provenance data using data observability
- FranKGraphBench — pip install package for frankgraphbench.
- gaitmap_challenges — A set of benchmark challenges for IMU based human gait analysis
- galadriel-node — no summary
- gaussian-step — A SEAMM plugin for A SEAMM plug-in for Gaussian
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- geekbench-browser-python — Simple package for getting data from
- geowatch — no summary
- gordo — Train and build models for Argo / Kubernetes
- graphiq — GraphiQ is a Python library for the simulation, design, and optimization of quantum photonic circuits.
- HardwareProvider — A package used to get hardware info and specs.
- hfutils — Useful utilities for huggingface
- hmxlabs.hplx — This project is a collection of tools to help use the HPL benchmark. See for more information.
- hmxlabs.sysinfo — Package to get basic system information including CPU count, HT/SMT status, RAM and disk. Not doing anything special. Just uses psutil and py-cpuinfo
- hyperglass — hyperglass is the modern network looking glass that tries to make the internet better.
- i8kgui — A Dell thermal management GUI to control fan speeds and monitor temperatures.
- icontract — Provide design-by-contract with informative violation messages.
- ilit — Repository of IntelĀ® Low Precision Optimization Tool
- inference — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-cli — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference CLI.
- inference-core — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-cpu — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-gpu — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-sdk — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- instructlab-training — Training Library
- InterProcessPyObjects — This high-performance package delivers blazing-fast inter-process communication through shared memory, enabling Python objects to be shared across processes with exceptional efficiency
- invoke-docker-flow — A small set of tools to make using Docker with the Invoke task runner easier. Also incorporates a Flow system for use with git-flow.