Reverse Dependencies of pusher
The following projects have a declared dependency on pusher:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- chatbotsclient — no summary
- dev-assistant-client — Dev Assistant client
- devgossip-v2 — A commandline forum application.
- django-notifs — Modular notifications for Django
- Flask-Pusher — Flask extension for Pusher
- FlaskPusher — Adds Pusher support for your Flask application.
- griptape — Modular Python framework for LLM workflows, tools, memory, and data.
- kchatdriver — A Python kChat Driver
- keephq — Alerting. for developers, by developers.
- kinto-pusher — Plug Kinto notifications into
- masonite — The Masonite Framework
- sitech-notifier — Notification library for real-time, sms and email notifications
- termchatter — A simple terminal-based chatting app using Pusher
- tetrapod — no summary