Reverse Dependencies of pulp
The following projects have a declared dependency on pulp:
- aamutils — Collection of atom-atom-mapping utility functions.
- aibrix — AIBrix, the foundational building blocks for constructing your own GenAI inference infrastructure.
- Allagash — A Python Spatial Optimization Library
- alpa — Alpa automatically parallelizes large tensor computation graphs and runs them on a distributed cluster.
- altprint — Alternative 3d printing
- arpakitlib — arpakitlib
- backbone-learn — A Library for Scaling Mixed-Integer Optimization-Based Machine Learning.
- bayesreconpy — Bayesian reconciliation for hierarchical forecasting
- bdo-empire — Worker empire optimizer for BDO using HiGHS mip solver.
- bgcflow_wrapper — A snakemake wrapper and utility tools command line interface for BGCFlow.
- bidsapps — CLI tool for running BIDS apps
- blobtoolkit-pipeline — blobtoolkit-pipeline
- blocksnet — Package provides methods of master plan requirements automated generation for urban areas
- bnpm — A library of useful modules for data analysis.
- brainsets — A package for processing neural datasets
- capcruncher — An end-to-end solution for processing Capture-C, Tri-C and Tiled-C data
- cdlib — Community Discovery Library
- chempy — ChemPy is a Python package useful for solving problems in chemistry.
- cimren-cvrptw-optimization — CVRPTW Optimization Models
- citrus — A more convenient interface to doing Binary Linear Programming with PuLP
- CLASV — CLASV is a pipeline designed for rapidly predicting Lassa virus lineages using a Random Forest model.
- cloud-resource-matcher — A framework to optimize costs of cloud computing deployments.
- clustermil — clustermil - clustering based multiple instance learning
- coinor.cuppy — Cutting Plane Methods in Python (CuPPy)
- coinor.dippy — DIP Python Interface
- coinor.grumpy — Graphics for Understanding Mathematical Programming (GrUMPy)
- columngenerationsolverpy — A solver based on Column Generation
- conference-scheduler — A Python tool to assist the task of scheduling a conference
- corankco — Kemeny-Young method for rank aggregation of incomplete rankings with ties
- cornflow — Cornflow is an open source multi-solver optimization server with a REST API built using flask.
- cornflow-client — Client to connect to a cornflow server
- csle-agents — Reinforcement learning agents for CSLE
- datupapi — Utility library to support Datup AI MLOps processes
- ddop — Package for data-driven operations management
- ddop2 — Restructuring of ddop
- DEAPack — A Data Envelopment Analysis Package
- decoil — EcDNA reconstruction from long-read nanopore data
- DFSNBA-TeamBuilder — This package is used for creating draftkings lineups
- doframework — A testing framework for decision optimization model learning algorithms.
- E-Cut — Enhanced G-Cut algorithm on automated segmentation of interweaving neurons
- emhass — An Energy Management System for Home Assistant
- energypylinear — Optimizing energy assets with mixed-integer linear programming.
- enzyme-cost-minimization — eQuilibrator API - A command-line API with minimal dependencies for calculation of standard thermodynamic potentials of biochemical reactions using the data found on eQuilibrator. Does not require any network connections.
- EOSpython — A set of functions encompassing a centralized Earth Observation Satellite scheduling system
- feloopy — FelooPy: Efficient and feature-rich integrated decision environment
- ffbot — Automate playing Yahoo Fantasy Football
- flexgen — Running large language models like OPT-175B/GPT-3 on a single GPU. Focusing on high-throughput large-batch generation.
- flopt — A python Non-Linear Programming API with Heuristic approach
- fluiddyn — Framework for studying fluid dynamics.
- footbot — Picks good teams for the UK FPL Fantasy Football game
- four_color — `four_color` is a package for Four Color Problem.
- fplscout — Picks good teams for the UK FPL Fantasy Football game
- friendlysam — Toolbox for optimization-based modelling and simulation.
- gamcoach — Generating counterfactual explanations for GAMs
- gbmtsplits — A tool to create well-balanced data splits for multi-task learning
- georgstage — Library for Georg Stage
- gloop — Generalized Linear Object Oriented Programming (GLOOP)
- GOSTnets — Networkx wrapper to simplify network analysis using geospatial data
- GOUD — Modelos heuristicos o porgrmación lineal de Ingeneria Industrial para Pronosticos, Planeacion Agregada y Plan Maestro de Producción
- graffitiai — A Python package for automated mathematical conjecturing.
- grafs-e — Metabolic analysis of Agricultural systems
- graphcalc — A Python package for graph computation functions
- grinpy — Graph invariants in Python.
- GroupTesting — Group testing for SARS-CoV-2 in large populations.
- hiMoon — Define names haplotypes from data stored in VCF
- homcloud — HomCloud, persistent homology based data analysis package
- HoMi-pipeline — Pipeline for analysis of host-microbiome dual transcriptome data
- hypogenic — A package for generating and evaluating hypotheses.
- i3expo — display current i3 workspaces
- ingotdr — INGOT-DR (INterpretable GrOup Testing for Drug Resistance)
- jinete — High Performance solving suite for the Pickup and Delivery Problem and its related extensions.
- kep-solver — A Python package for reading and solving single instances of kidney exchange problems.
- khloraascaf — A python package that takes an assembly result of a chloroplast genome and continues it by computing the scaffolding stage.
- labelmerge — Snakebids app for merging multiple label maps.
- laptimize — package to solve separable non linear optimization problems
- latch — The Latch SDK
- librecell-layout — CMOS standard cell generator.
- lionel — Predict fantasy player points and optimise the team
- log-distance-measures — Python package with the implementation of different distance measures between two event logs, from the control-flow, temporal, and queuing perspectives.
- longestrunsubsequence — Algorithm to compute the longest run subsequence of a string
- LPFICS — LPFICS aims to enable to find ONE infeasible constraint set if a model is considered infeasible once resolved
- malloovia — Use linear programming to allocate applications to cloud infrastructure
- mapc-optimal — Optimal solution of the MAPC (C-SR) problem for IEEE 802.11 networks
- mapel-elections — Map of Elections
- matching-algorithms — This project implements a variety of matching algorithms, including the Deferred Acceptance algorithm, the Boston Mechanism, the Top Trading Cycles (TTC) mechanism, and several linear programming approaches. These algorithms are widely applicable in various domains such as school admissions, job assignments, and resource allocation problems. Their effectiveness in creating stable and efficient matchings makes them valuable tools in economics, computer science and operations research.
- matchingproblems — A matching problem generator and solver.
- mcda — Package for Multi Criteria Decision Analysis
- mct-nightly — A Model Compression Toolkit for neural networks
- meditability — no summary
- michaelvll-skypilot — An intercloud broker above the cloud
- mip-tool — `mip-tool` is a package for Python-MIP.
- MIS-algorithms — All algorithms used in the paper "Finding Large Independent Sets in Networks Using Competitive Dynamics"
- ml4co-kit — ml4co-kit provides convenient dataset generators for the combinatorial optimization problem
- mlb-fantasy — MLB fantasy draft optimizer. Requires a draft_picks.txt file with the format: "Player Name: Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, Team 4, Team 5, Team 6" with each player picks on a new line.
- mlscorecheck — ML score check: checking the validity of machine learning and computer vision scores
- model-compression-toolkit — A Model Compression Toolkit for neural networks
- msaris — Python package to identify isotope patterns and their formulas
- mungo — Quick environment solver
- myopic-mces — A package for computation of the myopic MCES distance
- mypulp — `mypulp` is a package for mypulp.