Reverse Dependencies of psycopg2
The following projects have a declared dependency on psycopg2:
- a5py — a5 hydrometeorologic database management system
- abcunit-backend — Backend solution for abcunit success / failure logs
- acmetk — An ACME Broker for Automated Certificate Acquisition in University Environments
- acrocord — Python API for PostreSQL database
- active-wrapper — Continuing the project from The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
- activipy-pgsql — A PostgreSQL Environment for Activipy
- adaptable — no summary
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- adp-connectors — connection clients for storage and database
- ads-api — major marketing platform python api
- adwords-client — AdWords Client with read/write support
- aeiva — aeiva is a general AI agent framework
- agd_tools — Useful functions for datascience.
- agentserver — A server for managing monitoring agents
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- aicluster — Um miniframework para facilitar a criação e treinamento de IAs
- aidataup — aidataup
- aijson-core — Low-code config language for AI pipelines
- aijson-db — AI JSON Database Actions
- aio_manager — Script manager for aiohttp.
- aiohttp-rest-framework — Rest framework for aiohttp web server
- aiommy — A helpful tools for building web API
- aiosql — Simple SQL in Python
- aircan — no summary
- aircloak-tools — Tools for querying an Aircloak service.
- airduct — Simple Pipeline Scheduler in Python
- airflow-fernet-secrets — airflow filesystem secret backend using fernet
- airflow-plugins — Airflow plugins.
- airflowdaggenerator — Dynamically generates and validates Python Airflow DAG file based on a Jinja2 Template and a YAML configuration file to encourage code re-usability
- akagi — Codenize your data sources
- akasha-plus — Extension tools for akasha-terminal
- AlchemyLite — A library that simplifies CRUD operations with PostgreSQL database.
- aldryn-django — An opinionated Django setup bundled as an Aldryn Addon
- aleksis-core — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Core
- alerta-server — Alerta server WSGI application
- alerta-server-ai — Alerta server WSGI application
- alerta-server-shakti — Alerta server WSGI application
- algo-db-controller — Controls everything db related for algo
- algonautsutils — A private repo for maintaining Algonauts utils/tools
- algotaf — no summary
- aligned — A data management and lineage tool for ML applications.
- allsql-utils — Short description
- alphalib — A library for your daily data engineering and data science routines.
- altmo — Tools for mapping walkability and bikeability using Open Street Map data
- altspell — A flask web API for translating between traditional English spellings and alternative spellings
- amba-event-stream — amba-event-stream for kafka
- ambition-utils — Various utility packages used across Ambition projects.
- amipwned — A minimal self-hosted haveibeenpwned application.
- ampel-ztf-archive — ZTF alert archive for the Ampel system
- amsterdam-airflow-postgres-insert-csv-operator — Amsterdam Airflow operator: postgres_insert_csv_operator
- amsterdam-airflow-postgres-table-copy-operator — Amsterdam Airflow operator: postgres_table_copy_operator
- amsterdam-airflow-provenance-rename-operator — Amsterdam Airflow operator: provenance_rename_operator
- amsterdam-schema-tools — Tools to work with Amsterdam Schema.
- amukhsimov-jupyter-templates-bigdata — amukhsimov-jupyter-templates-bigdata
- amway-eap-migration — This is an Example Package
- anadb-tools — A collection tools for managing the analytics databases
- anemoi-dns — A least privilege dynamic DNS server
- anodb — Convenient Wrapper around AioSQL and a Database Connection
- anomaly-detection-framework — Anomaly Detection Framework allows us to calculate Anomalities on any Time - Series Data Sets. It has an interface which is easy to manage to train - predict with given dataset.
- anyblok-wms-base — Warehouse Management and Logistics, base Anyblok modules
- anycluster — anycluster provides Server-Side clustering of map markers for Geodjango
- aodh — OpenStack Telemetry Alarming
- aopi — Another one package index for humans
- ap1 — Async parser goi
- apache-age-python — Python driver support for Apache AGE
- apache-airflow-providers-fastetl — FastETL custom package Apache Airflow provider.
- apache-airflow-providers-huawei — Provider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-huawei package
- apd.aggregation — A programme that queries apd.sensor endpoints and aggregates their results.
- api-forge — A package to generating FastAPI CRUD operations and routes
- api-nichotined — Simple lib for testing rest API
- api-tackle — API Tackle - Simple Python REST API Framework
- api2db — Python Api data collection tool
- apistar-dynamic — API Star Dynamic model and handler generator.
- apistar-peewee-orm — Peewee integration for API Star.
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- appel-crises — Website for the `appel-crises` petition
- approzium — Approzium SDK provides Approzium database authentiation for Python
- aq-database — Project to hold all the database scripts
- aq-dbmigration — a database migration tool
- ara — ARA Records Ansible
- arctic-tern — SQL migrations for python and postgres
- arepo — ORM module for the vulnerability database
- argilla-server — Open-source tool for exploring, labeling, and monitoring data for NLP projects.
- argus-server — Argus is an alert aggregator for monitoring systems
- arklet — An unassuming ARK minter, binder, and resolver
- armada-sde — A pluggable Django app for the EVE SDE
- artemis-utils — ARTEMIS utility modules
- article-rec-db — Database models and migrations for the Local News Lab's article recommendation system
- asf-metadata — Python wrapper for ASF's metadata
- asgutils — ASG Utils contains my main standard Python Librairies + some extra helpers functions
- aslabs-dependencies-postgresql — no summary
- asyncflows — Declarative AI Pipelines
- ata-db-models — Database models and migrations for Automating the Ask.
- athena-ai — Athena, an AI agent built on GPT-4 architecture, is designed for continuous learning and self-reliance. Inspired by the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena assists users with valuable insights across various subjects. Focused on knowledge acquisition, capability improvement, and security, this AI agent leverages natural language processing and a supportive human community to grow and become a trusted, versatile companion.
- atomicdataMB — Atomic data procedures for nexoclom and general use
- atzlib — My python codes.
- auth-plugin — A robust Python library for JWT, OAuth2, and database authentication.
- auth-satvadev — Registration with confirmation by code and token authorization
- authentication-app — A Python package for JWT-based authentication
- authz-analyzer — Analyze authorization.