Reverse Dependencies of psycopg-binary
The following projects have a declared dependency on psycopg-binary:
- aett — Event store for Python
- aett-postgres — Postgres connector for aett event store
- agno — Agno: a lightweight framework for building multi-modal Agents
- ai-parrot — Live Chatbots based on Langchain chatbots and Agents Integrated into Navigator Framework or used into any aiohttp applications.
- aiogram-metrics — Message metrics exporter for aiogram framework
- AlchemyLite — A library that simplifies CRUD operations with PostgreSQL database.
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- asyncdb — Library for Asynchronous data source connections Collection of asyncio drivers.
- behave-prophet — no summary
- bflower — A Python package with a built-in web application
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- bootFacebookAccountCreator — no summary
- caluma — Caluma Service providing GraphQL API
- chcd-py — python modules for CHCD
- conscience-system — Django 기반 백엔드 시스템 자동 구성 도구
- core-db — This project/library contains common elements and clients related to database engines...
- creyPY — Collection of my Python and FastAPI shortcuts, snippets etc.
- databasemodels — Python class decorator that creates a database representation of a class and vice versa, a lightweight ORM.
- dawgie — Data and Algorithm Work-flow Generation, Introspection, and Execution (DAWGIE)
- dbt-cockroachdb — The cockroachdb adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbworkload — Workload framework
- dfapp — A Python package with a built-in web application
- dump-psql-roles-grants — Dump Postgres Roles and Grants
- embedchain — Simplest open source retrieval (RAG) framework
- embedchain-101deploy — Simplest open source retrieval (RAG) framework
- embedchain-one — Simplest open source retrieval (RAG) framework
- embedchaincrewai — Simplest open source retrieval (RAG) framework
- etb-pg — Interface for PostgreSQL databases
- exponential — A Python package with a built-in web application
- flexible-semantic-kernel — flexible-semantic-kernel
- fridonai-core — Core functionality for FridonAI
- fudster — Fudster - A simple mL library for applications
- genius-chatbot — Use huggingface models to create an intelligent and scalable chatbot
- geopandas — Geographic pandas extensions
- geovisio — GeoVisio API - Main
- haupt — Lineage metadata API, artifacts streams, sandbox, ML-API, and spaces for Polyaxon.
- heliumos-jarvis — AI Agent for heliumos
- js-api — Custom API written in Python using FastAPI
- lib-munpy — Package to process MUNICH input/output data
- lib-munpy-dev — Package to process MUNICH input/output data
- lichens — ETL framework for Colosscious Pharmquer
- lightcurvedb — no summary
- mem0x — Long-term memory for AI Agents
- modsys — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- mofa-ai — MoFA is a software framework for building AI agents through a composition-based approach.
- mundipy — mundipy is a Python framework for spatial data analysis
- neuroagent — Search agent for neuroscience.
- pantos-service-node — Pantos Service Node (reference implementation)
- pantos-validator-node — Pantos Validator Node (reference implementation)
- petaly — Python ETL tool
- pg-bulk-loader — A utility package to do bulk insertion faster from pandas dataframe to postgres table.
- pgbase — A library to help managing multiple database connections using SQLAlchemy with PostgreSQL
- pgcli — CLI for Postgres Database. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- pgsqlite — Loader to import sqlite3 databases into Postgres
- pilgrimor — no summary
- platformics — Codegen Python GraphQL Entity Framework
- prt-databricks-simplify-7da-data-ingest — providing creating data layers from pdro s3 buckets
- psycopg — PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- psycopg2-error-handler — Psycopg2 Error Handler
- pymofa — MoFA is a software framework for building AI agents through a composition-based approach.
- pyquocca — Challenge utilities for SecEDU CTFs (primarily UNSW's COMP6[48]43).
- Qubx — Qubx - Quantitative Trading Framework
- r2r — SciPhi R2R
- roche-datachapter-lib — Esta biblioteca de código esta pensada para compartir funcionalidades entre todos los procesos ETL que desarrollemos con Python
- searchflow — An assistant helping you to index webpages into structured datasets.
- stepping — Incremental View Maintenance for Python backends
- studiopulsee — It's a Python library for VFX project-based LAN deployment
- taxtastic — Tools for taxonomic naming and annotation
- unitsit-tools — unitsit-tools is a Python package containing various utility modules for common tasks.
- vectordb-bench — VectorDBBench is not just an offering of benchmark results for mainstream vector databases and cloud services, it's your go-to tool for the ultimate performance and cost-effectiveness comparison. Designed with ease-of-use in mind, VectorDBBench is devised to help users, even non-professionals, reproduce results or test new systems, making the hunt for the optimal choice amongst a plethora of cloud services and open-source vector databases a breeze.
- vesslflow — VESSLFlow
- waf-downloader — Web Application Firewall logs downloader.
- WCP-Library — Common utilites for internal development at WCP