Reverse Dependencies of psutil
The following projects have a declared dependency on psutil:
- vitrage — The OpenStack RCA Service
- vivarium-cluster-tools — A set of tools for running simulation using vivarium on cluster.
- vizex — UNIX/Linux Terminal program to graphically display the disk space usage and/or directory data
- vizplugins — official plugins for viztracer
- vkauth — Library that helps you to authenticate with using cookies from your browser. The library automatically fetches required cookies from supported browsers, establishes a session, and retrieves an access token
- vkit — In Pursuit Of The Best Synthetic Data Generation
- vkit-nightly — Boosting Document Intelligence
- vlcsync — Utility for synchronize multiple instances of VLC. Supports seek, play and pause.
- vllm-npu — A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs
- vllm-xft — A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs
- VLM-Packages — no summary
- vm-custom-package — Custom project.
- vnai — :))
- vnet-manager — no summary
- vnpy-extra — 基于VNPY进行功能拓展
- vnstock — A comprehensive and transparent solution for Vietnamese stock market analysis.
- vnstock3 — A comprehensive and transparent solution for Vietnamese stock market analysis.
- voir — Instrument, extend and visualize your programs
- volatildap — Temporary slapd launcher for testing purposes
- volttron-core — VOLTTRON™ is an open source platform for distributed sensing and control. The platform provides services for collecting and storing data from buildings and devices and provides an environment for developing applications which interact with that data.
- Volume — Volume Compression and Rendering implementations
- vortexpy — Synertys observable, routable, data serialisation and transport code.
- voxio — Library for ingesting and processing voxel (3D imaging) data
- vprof — Visual profiler for Python
- vpscli — VPS manager
- vpt-core — Core components for the Vizgen Post-processing Tool
- vptq — VPTQ (Vector Post-Training Quantization) is a novel Post-Training Quantization method.
- vrs-anvil — Commons utilities
- vrs-anvil-toolkit — Useful tools and methods for applying GA4GH GKS and VRS models on the NHGRI AnVIL platform.
- vsensebox — VSenseBox - Python toolbox for visual sensing.
- vsensebox-ultralytics — Ultralytics YOLO for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- VSR — Video Super-Resolution Framework
- vtorch — NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
- vu1-monitor — A CLI application for monitoring hardware with VU1-Dials
- vztcdpchaos-network — Extension for creating network faults
- wacryptolib — Witness Angel Cryptolib
- waddleml — WaddleML is a machine learning stats tracker built on DuckDB
- waeup.kofa — A student online information and registration portal
- wafec-tests-openstack-stub — no summary
- waldorf — Waldorf, a distribution computing package based on celery
- wam2layers — Atmospheric moisture tracking model
- wandb — A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights & Biases API.
- wandb-ng — A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API.
- wandb-testing — A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API.
- wanot — Wait and notify conveniently
- warg-shell — DigitalOcean Warg - SSH-like connection to DigitalOcean PaaS console
- warpcoreai — Let language models run code.
- warprouter — A Python library for managing Cloudflare WARP routing on Windows
- watch-xfce-xfconf — A command-line tool that can help you to configure XFCE 4 programmatically
- watchall — execute a program periodically, showing output scrollable fullscreen.
- watcheagle — watcheagle - is hot reloader for your project based on watchdog!
- watchful — Watchful API for Interacting with Watchful Environment
- watchio — Process IO Watcher
- watchlogs — A simple, colourful logfile watcher
- wattile — Probabilistic Deep Learning-based Forecasting of Building Energy ConsumptionProbabilistic Deep Learning-based Forecasting of Building Energy Consumption.
- wavecracker — Python batch tool for signal time/frequency analysis
- wavefront-pyformance — VMware Aria Operations for Applications Pyformance Library
- waves-core — WAVES - core package
- waymore — Find way more from the Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, Alien Vault OTX, URLScan & VirusTotal!
- waypanel — A Wayfire panel that behaves like a shell
- wbia-utool — utool - Useful utilities and the kitchen sink
- web3-ethereum-defi — Integrate DeFi trading and and analytics for Uniswap, Aave, PancakeSwap, Trader Joe, QuickSwap and many others.
- webchanges — Web Changes Delivered. AI-Summarized. Totally Anonymous.
- webcoreframe — web develop core frame
- webdriver-browser — More convenient methods for creating multiple selenium browsers.
- Webflowpy — Python Webflow CMS API Client
- webknossos — Python API for working with WEBKNOSSOS datasets, annotations, and for WEBKNOSSOS server interaction.
- webmeter — WebMeter - A web api-performance tool based on jmeter.
- webrtcvad-wheels — Python interface to the Google WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD) [released with binary wheels!]
- webscout — Search for anything using Google, DuckDuckGo,, Contains AI models, can transcribe yt videos, temporary email and phone number generation, has TTS support, webai (terminal gpt and open interpreter) and offline LLMs and more
- webtraffic — See web traffic info python
- weldx — Python API for the WelDX file format and standard
- werkflow — Composable workflows for all.
- wetb — Wind Energy Toolbox
- wf-rpi-monitor — Tools to monitor and log status of a Raspberry Pi
- wgpu — WebGPU for Python
- whatdiditdo — Observes what processes are doing (Windows only)
- whippersnappy — A package to plot and capture FastSurfer and FreeSurfer-style surface overlays.
- whismur — Whismur
- whochat — 一个命令就可启用的微信机器人
- wikidl — WikiDL is a helpful command-line tool to download Wikipedia dumps.
- williamtoolbox — williamtoolbox: William Toolbox
- willump — Willump is a Python3 helper for the League of Legends LCU API
- win-cpusage — A Python package to get CPU reports for any windows TEST.
- win-gpg-agent — Utility for tunnelling gpg-agent and ssh-agent from Windows to WSL.
- win32fastutils — Collection of win32 related utils.
- winavsos — An Automated Vulnerabilty Scanner
- winbopen — Opens ipynb files on click. Reuses existing jupyter instance if possible.
- windowlayout — Manages a layout of windows
- windows-tools — Toolset for antivirus, NTFS/ReFS ACLs, file ownership, registry, user handling...Well a lot of stuff
- windows-tools.logical-disks — Logical disk (partition) management functions
- winfish-shell — A Fish shell-like implementation for Windows
- winfish-terminal — A Fish shell-like terminal emulator for Windows
- WinFreeze — A simple Windows=based package used for freezing and unfreezing windows.
- winloop — Windows version of uvloop
- winmem — Work easy with memory. (Windows ONLY)
- winzy-laptop-battery — Get laptop battery info and warn if asked
- wipo-gbd-pypers — Pypers package
- wirtual-agents — Wirtual Agents
- wise-py-utils — Python utils created by Zac the Wise