Reverse Dependencies of protobuf
The following projects have a declared dependency on protobuf:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- a3grpc — a3grpc is a simple wrapper around grpc to make it easier to use.
- a7p — Simple python3 wrapper for .a7p files
- aactextpredict — Text prediction toolkit for Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
- aapy — Python client for the EPICS Archiver Appliance
- aark-sdk — no summary
- aas-core3.0-protobuf — Convert Asset Administration Shells V3.0 between Python and ProtoBuf objects.
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- abb-robot-client — Python client library to access ABB robots using RWS and EGM
- ABBRobotEGM — A Python library for real-time control and data streaming of ABB robots using EGM protocol, enabling high-frequency (250Hz) communication through UDP for industrial automation applications.
- abci — Python based ABCI Server for Tendermint
- abeja-sdk — ABEJA Platform Software Development Kit
- ac_solver — no summary
- accession — Tool to submit genomics pipeline outputs to the ENCODE Portal
- accumulate-python-client — A Python client for interacting with the Accumulate Protocol.
- acfunsdk-ws — acfunsdk - websocket
- acg-feature-extractor — General feature extractor
- achan-test — Proto IDL for Data Catalog Service
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- acs-sdk — Python SDK for Accelerated Cloud Storage service
- activetigger — ActiveTigger in Python
- acts — Android Comms Test Suite
- actualpy — Implementation of the Actual API to interact with Actual over Python.
- acumos — Acumos client library for building and pushing Python models
- acumos-model-runner — Acumos model runner for Python models
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- adanet — adanet is a lightweight and scalable TensorFlow AutoML framework for training and deploying adaptive neural networks using the AdaNet algorithm [Cortes et al. ICML 2017](
- adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- adapters — A Unified Library for Parameter-Efficient and Modular Transfer Learning
- adaptor — Adaptor: Objective-centric Adaptation Framework for Language Models.
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- admobilizeapis — Protobufs used in AdMobilize Ecosystem
- adsmsg — Interpipeline communication messages
- advance-common — no summary
- aea — Autonomous Economic Agent framework
- aeca — Python client for Aeca database
- aelf-sdk — Python SDK for AElf
- aeon-agents — LiveKit Python Agents
- aergo-herapy — python SDK for AERGO
- aerospike-vector — Aerospike Proximus Client Library for Python
- aerospike-vector-search — Aerospike Vector Search Client Library for Python
- aetcd — Python asyncio-based client for etcd
- aetcd3 — NOTICE: Please use aetcd package instead
- agent-cloud — no summary
- agent-cloud-os — no summary
- agent-context — no summary
- agent-gpt-aws — AgentGPT CLI for training and inference on AWS SageMaker
- agent-management-system — no summary
- — no summary
- agent-system — no summary
- agentbox — no summary
- agentDB — no summary
- agentic-devops — Agentic DevOps Tool for automating and managing various DevOps tasks and configurations.
- agentifyme — Framework for building agentic workflows
- agentvm — no summary
- agi-med-protos — GRPC utils for agi-med team
- agora-api — Agora API for Python
- agora-api-internal — Agora API for Python
- agrirouter — Python SDK for the agrirouter API. This project contains the API for the communication with the agrirouter. Everything you need for the onboarding process, secure communication and much more.
- ai-agents — An Open-source Framework for Autonomous Language Agents
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- ai4scr-scQUEST — scQUEST package
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- AIDocStringGenerator — AIDocStringGenerator is an automated tool that utilizes AI technologies like Anthropic and OpenAI GPT-3.5 to generate and manage docstrings in Python code. It streamlines documentation by processing both single files and entire directories, offering customizable settings for docstring verbosity and style. This tool is ideal for enhancing code readability and maintainability in Python projects.
- aiearth-engine — AIEarth Engine Python SDK Engine
- aiges — A module for test aiges's python
- aim-cli — A super-easy way to record, search and compare AI experiments.
- aim-records — An event-oriented data format which utilizes Protocol Buffers
- aim-stack — Version control for AI
- aimodelshare — Deploy locally saved machine learning models to a live rest API and web-dashboard. Share it with the world via
- aimstack — Version control for AI
- aine-drl — AINE-DRL is a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) baseline framework. AINE means "Agent IN Environment".
- aioatomapi — Python API for interacting with Atom devices.
- aiobafi6 — Big Ass Fans i6/Haiku protocol asynchronous Python library
- aiobernhard — An async bernhard client
- aiocomfoconnect — aiocomfoconnect is an asyncio Python 3 library for communicating with a Zehnder ComfoAir Q350/450/600 ventilation system
- aioesphomeapi — Python API for interacting with ESPHome devices.
- aioetcd3 — asyncio wrapper for etcd v3
- aiognmi — Async, efficient and lightweight gNMI client written in Python.
- aiogossip — AsyncIO implementation of Gossip protocol
- aiogrpctools — no summary
- aiokubemq — Asynchronous KubeMQ Client
- aiomeshtastic — asyncio bindings to the meshtastic device API.
- aiop4 — asyncio P4Runtime Python client
- aiopogo — Asynchronous Pokemon API lib
- aioraft-ng — An implementation of `Raft` consensus algorithm written in asyncio-based Python 3.
- aios-core — AIOS: LLM Agent Operating System
- aios-sdk — no summary
- aioshadowsocks — shadowsocks build with asyncio , also support many user in one port
- aiospb — Library to comunicate with MQTT following Sparkplug B estandard
- aiosumma — Async client for Summa Search
- aiotieba — Asynchronous I/O Client for Baidu Tieba
- aipose — Library to use pose estimation in your projects easily
- airbyte-source-google-ads — Source implementation for Google Ads.
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airflow-provider-appops — App ops provider package built by papaya.