Reverse Dependencies of pronunciation-dictionary
The following projects have a declared dependency on pronunciation-dictionary:
- dict-from-annotation — Command-line interface (CLI) to create a pronunciation dictionary based on annotations.
- dict-from-dict — Command-line interface (CLI) to create a pronunciation dictionary from an other pronunciation dictionary with the possibility of ignoring punctuation and splitting on hyphens before lookup.
- dict-from-dragonmapper — Command-line interface (CLI) to create a pronunciation dictionary by looking up IPA transcriptions using dragonmapper including the possibility of ignoring punctuation and splitting words on hyphens before transcribing them.
- dict-from-g2pE — CLI to create a pronunciation dictionary by predicting English ARPAbet phonemes using seq2seq model from g2pE and the possibility of ignoring punctuation and splitting on hyphens before prediction.
- dict-from-pypinyin — Command-line interface (CLI) to create a pronunciation dictionary by looking up pinyin transcriptions using pypinyin including the possibility of ignoring punctuation and splitting words on hyphens before transcribing them.
- en-tts — Web app, command-line interface and Python library for synthesizing English texts into speech.
- pronunciation-dictionary-utils — CLI and library to modify pronunciation dictionaries (any language).
- textgrid-tools — Command-line interface (CLI) to modify TextGrids and their corresponding audio files.
- txt-utils — CLI to modify text files.
- word-to-pronunciation — Create pronunciations of words with the possibility of ignoring punctuation and splitting on hyphens before lookup.
- zho-tts — Web app, command-line interface and Python library for synthesizing Chinese texts into speech.