Reverse Dependencies of promise
The following projects have a declared dependency on promise:
- aiogql — A fork of gql which uses asyncio & aiohttp for execution
- aironsuit — A model wrapper for automatic model design and visualization purposes.
- alchql — Graphene SQLAlchemy core integration
- ariadne-jwt — JSON Web Token for Ariadne Django
- audiossl — no summary
- bgez — BGEz Framework for the Blender Game Engine
- blitz-js-query — HTTP/ adapter for the blitz.js framework
- blitzjs-query — HTTP/ adapter for the blitz.js framework
- cdp-client — Provides an API that allows to interact with CDP applications
- cdplogger-client — Provides an API that allows to interact with CDP to access logger data
- chartmogul — Python library for ChartMogul API.
- cylc-flow — A workflow engine for cycling systems
- digicubes-server — The digicubes api server
- dimweb-persona-bot — A dialogue bot with a personality
- django-cbim-general-service — Django app that every service implemented using DJango in CBIM should use
- django-graphene-authentication — A variant of djhango-graphql-jwt that can work with federations
- django-koldar-utils — Some stuff that i used when developing with django_toolbox
- enformer-dna-diff — This is a package for that combines DeepMind Enformer model with DNA Diffusion project
- fbsak — flipbit03's Swiss Army Knife
- gql-fork — fork version of gql: GraphQL client for Python
- graphene-django — Graphene Django integration
- graphene-mongo — Graphene Mongoengine integration
- graphene-mongodb — GrapheneMongo is a library that integrates Graphene with MongoEngine
- graphene-neo4j — Graphene Django-Neo4J (neomodel) integration
- graphene-sqlalchemy — Graphene SQLAlchemy integration
- graphite-datasets — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- graphql-core-promise — Add support for promise-based dataloaders and resolvers to graphql-core v3+
- graphql-core-promise-inofficial — Inofficial fork of graphql-core-promise with a bugfix
- graphql-subscriptions — A port of apollo-graphql subscriptions for python, using gevent websockets, promises, and redis
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jetblack-graphene — GraphQL Framework for Python
- jumanji — A diverse suite of scalable reinforcement learning environments in JAX
- kromblast-socket — Connect to a Kromblast socket server
- limestone-finance — A python wrapper for
- muses-lpdp — Muses from La Passion des Poèmes.
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- pyogmios — Python client for Ogmios
- rstojnic-tfds-nightly — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- rtf — Remote Tensorflow Execution (rtf): gRPC server and clients generators
- shaystack — Implementation of Haystack Project Specification
- short-poetry — no summary
- sierrapy — A Client of HIVdb Sierra GraphQL Webservice.
- sinetstream — Library for operating messaging systems such as Apache Kafka and MQTT with the same API.
- sinetstream-kafka — Apache Kafka plugin for SINETStream library
- sinetstream-mqtt — MQTT plugin for SINETStream library
- strawberry-django-social-auth — Graphql Social authentication system with Strawberry for Django.
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- tago — Official Python lib for TagoIO
- tensorflow-datasets — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- tfds-nightly — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- tfds-nightly-gradient — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- TFF-data-converter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdata — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdatasetconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFOD-Automatic — Automated Object detection for Beginner using python and Tensorflow
- tilebox-datasets — Access Tilebox datasets from Python
- wandb-ng — A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API.