Reverse Dependencies of prometheus-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on prometheus-client:
- pyrosimple — A stripped-down version of the pyrocore tools for working with rTorrent
- pySMART-exporter — A Prometheus PySMART exporter
- pyspark-prometheus — Prometheus instrumentation for Spark Streaming metrics.
- pytest-prometheus — Report test pass / failures to a Prometheus PushGateway
- pytest-prometheus-pushgateway — Pytest report plugin for Zulip
- pytheus — playing with metrics
- python-core — there is no description available
- python-fast-service — This project can quickly package your Python code into a service that is ready for production environments.
- python-runtime-metrics — A Prometheus metrics collector for runtime metrics
- pyuptimekuma — Simple Python wrapper for Uptime Kuma
- pyuptimekuma-hass — Simple Python wrapper for Uptime Kuma
- pyxxl — A Python executor for XXL-jobs
- qat-rpc — RPC tooling for OQC QAT.
- qc-benchmark-dwave — caict qc benchmark tooklit for Dwave Leap cloud
- qoa4ml — Quality of Analysis for Machine Learning
- qontract-reconcile — Collection of tools to reconcile services with their desired state as defined in the app-interface DB.
- qsmap — Package provides functionality for working with geographical data, routing, and mapping
- qtext — Query the text with keywords, vector similarity and other attributes.
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- querent — The Asynchronous Data Dynamo and Graph Neural Network Catalyst
- query-exporter — Export Prometheus metrics generated from SQL queries
- query-exporter-carto — Publish Prometheus metrics generated from SQL queries (also for CARTO SQL API).
- quetz-server — The mamba-org server for conda packages
- ra-utils — Utilities for OS2mo/LoRa
- racetrack-job-runner — Racetrack Job Runner
- radiacode — Library for RadiaCode-101
- ragstack-ai-langflow-base — RAGStack Langflow base
- raiden-services — Raiden Services contain additional tools for the Raiden Network.
- ramqp — Rammearkitektur AMQP library (aio_pika wrapper)
- rancon — A python tool which adds Rancher services to Consul based on label selectors
- ranking-challenge — The Prosocial Ranking Challenge
- raphson-mp — Raphson music player
- rapy-genius — a python api to collect data from using their API
- rasa-hydra — Forked from the open source machine learning framework, Rasa
- ratehawk — A flexible API rate limiting library for Python
- rayleaf — RayLEAF: a flexible, highly-scalable benchmark for federated learning
- rayon — Web service for ProteinGraphML
- rcmt — no summary
- readet — LLM based tools and agents to fascilitate scientific research
- receptor — no summary
- RED-Metrics-Tracker — RED Metrics tracker able to instrument flask views using prometheus metrics.
- reddit-decider — no summary
- remoulade — Background Processing for Python 3.
- renku-lock — Python SDK and CLI for the Renku platform. lock package
- resotolib — Resoto common library.
- resque-exporter — Resque Prometheus exporter
- restictool — A python wrapper for a dockerized restic tool
- rfApiTestLibrary — robot framework自动化开发基础库:重写json比较函数
- rlm-prometheus — Prometheus metrics collector and exporter for RLM (Reprise License Manager)
- rLogging — A set of tools to improve the observability of applications
- robotframework-prometheus — Additional Robot Framework keywords
- robusta-api — no summary
- rocm-smi-exporter — Export rocm-smi metrics as prometheus metrics
- routemaster-prometheus — Prometheus metrics reporting for Routemaster.
- RouterOS-Prometheus-client — Python Prometheus client to RouterBoard devices produced by MikroTik.
- rq-exporter — Prometheus exporter for Python RQ (Redis Queue)
- runwhen-keywords — A set of RunWhen published keywords and python libraries
- runwhen-public-keywords — A set of RunWhen published keywords for interacting with various APIs.
- s3insync — Synchronise an S3 directory to the local filesystem, as a daemon
- saltext.prometheus — Salt Extension for interacting with Prometheus
- sanic-prometheus — Exposes Prometheus monitoring metrics of Sanic apps.
- sanic-prometheus-mon — Exposes Prometheus monitoring metrics of Sanic apps.
- sau — The SAU Exporter is a Python-based application designed to collect and expose AWS EC2 and EBS volume metrics for monitoring and observability. It utilizes the Prometheus client library to provide an HTTP endpoint for scraping metrics.
- sau-test — The SAU Exporter is a Python-based application designed to collect and expose AWS EC2 and EBS volume metrics for monitoring and observability. It utilizes the Prometheus client library to provide an HTTP endpoint for scraping metrics.
- scalr-ngine — Autoscaling for Clouds.
- scd30-exporter — Prometheus exporter for Adafruit SCD-30 - NDIR CO2 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- scdlbot — Telegram Bot for downloading MP3 rips of tracks/sets from SoundCloud, Bandcamp, YouTube with tags and artwork
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- scenestats — A PyTorch port of the Freeman-Simoncelli model introduced in J. Freeman and E. P. Simoncelli, “Metamers of the ventral stream,” Nat Neurosci, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 1195–1201, Sep. 2011, doi: 10.1038/nn.2889.
- scikit-rt — Toolkit for analysis of radiotherapy data
- scitags — Flow and Packet Marking Service
- sconce — Model Compresion Made Easy
- scram-client — A client for use with the SCRAM black hole routing software.
- scraper-project-rami — no summary
- scraprom — Scrapy stats collector for prometheus
- sdm-collector — Eastron SDM120 Modbus collector
- se-exporter — Prometheus exporter for Space Engineer Server
- sekoia-automation-sdk — SDK to create playbook modules
- seldon-core — Seldon Core client and microservice wrapper
- sensors-connectivity — Robonomics package to read data from sensors and publish to different output channels
- server-monitoring-made-easy — Simple and effective server monitoring with easy configuration and multiple notification options
- service-checker — Check services with commands and trigger commands
- servicelayer — Basic remote service functions for alephdata components
- sglang — SGLang is yet another fast serving framework for large language models and vision language models.
- sglang-router — SGLang is yet another fast serving framework for large language models and vision language models.
- shakenfist — Shaken Fist: an opinionated minimal cloud
- shallowpavlov — An open source library for building end-to-end dialog systems and training chatbots.
- silverpeak-exporter — Prometheus exporter for Silverpeak SD-WAN Appliances.
- singletrader — a package for backtesting and factor analysis
- sklearn-instrumentation — scikit-learn instrumentation tooling
- slo-generator — SLO Generator
- smart-app-framework — Python-фреймворк, который позволяет создавать смартапы для виртуальных ассистентов Салют.
- smart-prom-next — S.M.A.R.T. Prometheus Metrics Exporter
- smartexporter-tspspi — Simple Python SMART exporter for Prometheus on FreeBSD
- smbmc-exporter — Prometheus exporter for smbmc metrics
- sml-exporter — Smartmeter Message Language Prometheus Exporter
- smyg — git metric calculation
- sneakpeek-py — Tool box for creating scrapers, so that you only focus on scraping logic
- snooze-server — Monitoring tool for logs aggregation and alerting
- snyk-metrics — Python library to interact transparently with Prometheus, Pushgateway and Dogstatsd.