Reverse Dependencies of progressbar2
The following projects have a declared dependency on progressbar2:
- easyesn — Python library for Reservoir Computing using Echo State Networks
- ecsopera — Elastic Container Orchestrator Toolset.
- eeglib — A library with some tools and functions for EEG signal analysis
- efficient-det — Efficient-Det Implementation in Keras
- elf-diff — A tool to compare elf binaries
- embedsrt — a utility for embedding subtitle file into video file
- emlidtool — no summary
- envmgr-cli — Environment Manager CLI tool.
- envmgr-healthchecks — Consul Deployment Agent - Health Checks
- epippy — Expansion Planning Input Preprocessing in Python
- ersatz — Simple sentence segmentation toolkit for segmenting and scoring
- ert — Ensemble based Reservoir Tool (ERT)
- es2csv — A CLI tool for exporting data from Elasticsearch into a CSV file.
- escapydl — A Deep Learning framework for Side-channel Analysis in PyTorch
- ESMValTool — ESMValTool: A community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP.
- eulfedora — Idiomatic access to digital objects in a Fedora Commons repository
- exifmgr — Photo organizer / wrapper for Exiftool
- facenet-sandberg — Face recognition using TensorFlow
- fastdbfs — Interactive command line client for Databricks DBFS
- fathomnet — fathomnet-py is a client-side API to help scientists, researchers, and developers interact with FathomNet data.
- fdr-beta — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.0 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v3 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v4 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v5 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v6 — Sample fdr lib
- fiend — Finite element nanoscale dynamics
- filetracker — Filetracker caching file storage
- filewave-extra-metrics — An additional module that exposes s/ware patching and metrics information to the built in FileWave dashboard
- filewave-monitor-v13 — An additional module that installs programs/config required to monitor v13 instances via Prometheus.
- fin-traffic-data — Fetching and aggregation of traffic data from Finnish roads
- findd — Find duplicate files, based on size and hashvalues.
- floq-client — Floq Service client
- foExtract — Far-Out extract
- formatscaper — Tool for building an overview of the file format landscape in a research data repository.
- fplore — FPLO run evaluation
- func-e — FUNC-E is a python library and script for functional enrichment of gene lists. It follows a similar approach to that of DAVID ( in that it performs enrichment analysis using a Fisher's test but then clusters enriched annotations using Kappa Statistics. FUNC-E allows the user to provide their own annotation lists. It is fully executable on a UNIX command-line.
- GamesmanPuzzles — A collection of puzzles and solvers under a simple but powerful interface
- gamornet — A CNN to classify galaxies morphologically
- gamornet-cpu — A CNN to classify galaxies morphologically
- GANsforVirtualEye — This package provides an implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for time series generation, with flexible architecture options. Users can select different combinations of generator and discriminator models, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM), to suit their specific needs.
- GDrove — A tool allowing you to copy, upload, and download GDrive folders.
- gencove — Gencove API and CLI tool
- geo-heatmap — Generate an interactive geo-heatmap from your Google location data
- geobipy — McMC inversion of airborne electromagnetic data
- geodata-re — Geospatial Data Collection and Pre-Analysis Tools
- georetriever — Retrieve geological data for geothermal systems from coordinates in Python!
- git-big — Git Big is a command line extension to Git for managing Write Once Read Many (WORM) files.
- git-fingerprint — Git Fingerprint is a web fingerprinting tool that attempts to scan a target based on the files a git repository by enumerating over all files ever found in the public web root and comparing cryptographic hashes of each commit, branch or tag in order to calculate the best possible match.
- git-project — The extensible stupid project manager
- git-project-core-plugins — Core functionality for git-project
- gkeras-retinanet — Keras implementation of RetinaNet object detection.
- google-image-extractor — Utility to search and download images from google image search
- gradient — Paperspace Python
- graphbrain — Knowledge System + Natural Language Understanding
- gravely — A gravity simulator written to taste modern Python packaging practices
- grayskull — Project to generate recipes for conda packages
- grow — Develop everywhere and deploy anywhere: a declarative site generator for rapid, high-quality web site production.
- h10awswrnglr — Pandas on AWS.
- hanga — Hanga client - Build automation for Python applications targeting mobile devices.
- harmony-py — Python library for integrating with NASA's Harmony Services.
- hcipy — A framework for performing optical propagation simulations, meant for high contrast imaging, in Python.
- high-vision — A Python Library for Computer Vision tasks like Object Detection, Segmentation, Pose Estimation etc
- holytools — Collection of very general python utilities
- hsa-pyelastica — A plugin to PyElastica for the simulation of robots based on Handed Shearing Auxetics (HSAs).
- humblelion — An unofficial Humble Bundle API for listing and downloading games and bundles
- hydrocluster — Cluster analysis of hydrophobic or charged regions of macromolecules. The program is based on the DBSCAN algorithm.
- iarahealth-stt-training — Training code for Coqui STT
- idascript — IDA Pro wrapper to launch script on binaries
- ilmo-app — Django app for event registration
- ImageButler — Simple images serving service,
- imagenet-voice — A collection of synthetic audio files containing spoken labels from ImageNet
- iMaverick — no summary
- inforion — Infor ION Package for Python
- ipr — no summary
- irods-capability-automated-ingest — Implement filesystem scanners and landing zones
- isatools — Metadata tracking tools help to manage an increasingly diverse set of life science, environmental and biomedical experiments
- ising — Ising: a Python package for exactly solving abritrary Ising model instances using exhaustive search.
- ising-animate — A module to easily generate animations of the Ising Model
- janis-pipelines.runner — Easier way to run workflows, configurable across environments
- jax-spcs-kinematics — Implements the Selective Piecewise Constant Strain (SPCS) approach to model the kinematics of continuum soft robots.
- jmatt-sqre-codekit — LSST Data Management SQuaRE code management tools
- kaggle-data — An unofficial Kaggle datasets downloader
- kapral — toolbox for various tasks in the area of corpus linguistic
- kheops-client — Utility for querying and downloading data from a Kheops DICOM database
- kltpicker2 — KLT Picker: Particle picking using data-driven optimal templates
- lamper-cli — An easy to use AWS Lambda Function enumeration tool with visual report
- lascar — Toolsuite for side-channel acquisition, container and analysis
- lastpass-hibp — no summary
- learnit — A Tool for Machine Learning Beginners
- lhub-cli — LogicHub CLI
- libervia-backend — Libervia multipurpose and multi frontend XMPP client
- libpipe — no summary
- lidtk — Language identification Toolkit