Reverse Dependencies of ProDy
The following projects have a declared dependency on ProDy:
- alphafold2-pytorch — AlphaFold2 - Pytorch
- caretta — Fast multiple protein structure alignment
- clumps-ptm — CLUMPS-PTM driver gene discovery using 3D protein structure (Getz Lab).
- compassdock — A comprehensive accurate assessment approach for deep learning based molecular docking
- correlationPlus — A Python package to calculate, visualize and analyze correlations of proteins.
- ddpm-proteins — Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models - for Proteins - Pytorch
- fpocketr — Find, characterize, and visualize drug-like pockets in RNA structures.
- frag-pele — FragPELE, a new tool for in silico hit-to-lead drug design, capable of growing a frag_pelement into a core while exploring the protein-ligand conformational space
- geometricus — Fast, structure-based, alignment-free protein embedding
- libprot — A library of utilities for working with proteins
- MSM-PELE — Monte Carlo Protein Energy Landscape Exploration (PELE) coupled with Markov State Model (MSM) analysis with the aim to calculate absolute free energies
- multicom-ligand — Comprehensive ensembling of protein-ligand structure and affinity prediction methods
- nerrds — NERRDS uses backbone chemical shifts to generate an ensemble
- posebench — Comprehensive benchmarking of protein-ligand structure prediction methods
- prody-rhapsody — Python program, based on ProDy, for pathogenicity prediction of human missense variants.
- proflex — A package for proflex creation and manipulation
- ProteinStructureVisualizer — A tool for 3D visualization of monomeric protein structures from PDB files
- PySteMoDA — PySteMoDA
- sblu — Library for munging data files from ClusPro/FTMap/etc.