Reverse Dependencies of Products.PluggableAuthService
The following projects have a declared dependency on Products.PluggableAuthService:
- borg.localrole — A PAS plugin which can manage local roles via an adapter lookup on the current context
- collective.fingerpointing — Keep track of different events and write them down to an audit log.
- pas.plugins.headers — PAS plugin for authentication based on request headers
- pas.plugins.ldap — LDAP/AD Plugin for Plone/Zope PluggableAuthService (users+groups)
- — Plone integration for plone.contentrules
- — Plone integration for the basic plone.portlets package
- — Robot Framework testing resources for Plone
- — Testing tools for Plone-the-application, based on plone.testing.
- — A package for all things users and groups related (specific to plone)
- plone.protect — Security for browser forms
- plone.session — Session based auth tkt authentication for Zope
- Products.LDAPMultiPlugins — LDAP-backed plugins for the Zope PluggableAuthService
- Products.PlonePAS — PlonePAS modifies the PluggableAuthService for use by Plone.
- Products.SAML2Plugins — SAML 2.0 plugins for the Zope PluggableAuthService