Reverse Dependencies of pqdm
The following projects have a declared dependency on pqdm:
- allofplos — Get and analyze all PLOS articles
- autorad — Radiomics-related modules for extraction and experimenting
- bad-spence — A DOI-based citation generator.
- banglanlptoolkit — Toolkits for text processing and augmentation for Bangla NLP
- bigcodebench — "Evaluation package for BigCodeBench"
- blackmarblepy — Georeferenced Rasters of Nighttime Lights from NASA Black Marble data
- cane — Cane - Categorical Attribute traNsformation Environment
- chem_wasserstein — A high performance mapping class to construct ElM2D plots from large datasets of inorganic compositions.
- Comex — Generate combined multi-code view graphs
- dycw-utilities — no summary
- earthaccess — Client library for NASA Earthdata APIs
- earthdata — Client library for NASA Earthdata APIs
- feynamp — Compute Feynman diagrams
- glview — Lightning-fast image viewer with smooth zooming & panning.
- hepi — Interface to High Energy Physics tools.
- itslive — Python client for ITSLIVE gralcier velocity data
- mat_discover — Data-driven materials discovery based on composition or structure.
- minimod-opt — A mixed-integer program optimization solver for finding optimal nutritional interventions across space and time.
- netin — Python package to study inequalities in social networks
- osl-dynamics — Models for infering dynamics in neuroimaging data
- pdf2ppt — A tool to convert PDF documents to PPTX format with an adjustable DPI setting.
- pybispectra — Python signal analysis package for computing spectral-domain interactions using bispectra.
- pyEELSMODEL — a model based quantification library for electron energy loss spectroscopy
- pyparrm — A Python port of the PARRM algorithm
- ritual-pyarweave — Add your description here
- scikit-map — scikit-learn applied to mapping and spatial prediction
- ur-material — no summary
- VLM-Packages — no summary