Reverse Dependencies of poppy
The following projects have a declared dependency on poppy:
- BaldrApp — Simulating Baldr - the Zernike Wavefront Sensor for Asgard
- brighteyes-ism — A toolbox for analysing and simulating ISM images
- fuller — Integrated computational framework for electronic band structure reconstruction and parametrization
- hcipy — A framework for performing optical propagation simulations, meant for high contrast imaging, in Python.
- jwst-mast-query — Query MAST for data products from the James Webb Space Telescope, and download them
- mavisim — Tool for simulating MAVIS images
- pyxel-sim — Pyxel detector simulation framework.
- satsim — Satellite observation and scene simulator.
- SimCADO — SimCADO: The MICADO Instrument simulator
- stpsf — Creates simulated point spread functions for Space Telescopes (James Webb, Roman)
- webbpsf-ext — WebbPSF Extensions