Reverse Dependencies of pooch
The following projects have a declared dependency on pooch:
- access-nri-intake — Intake catalog managed by ACCESS-NRI and associated tools
- AdcircPy — Python package for working with ADCIRC input and output files
- album-environments — Album unifies computational tools across frameworks, languages, and environments.
- alfabet — A library to estimate bond dissociation energies (BDEs) of organic molecules
- alphawaves — Alpha Waves Dataset
- ammico — AI Media and Misinformation Content Analysis Tool
- aneris-iamc — Harmonize Integrated Assessment Model Emissions Trajectories
- annsel — A Narwhals powered DataFrame-style selection, filtering and indexing operations on AnnData Objects.
- anyblob — no summary
- arm-test-data — Provides utility functions for accessing data repository for ARM data examples/notebooks
- aspire — Algorithms for Single Particle Reconstruction
- aucmedi — AUCMEDI - a framework for Automated Classification of Medical Images
- audiossl — no summary
- augly — A data augmentations library for audio, image, text, & video.
- basenji2-pytorch — PyTorch implementation of Basenji2
- BaSiCpy — A python package for background and shading correction of optical microscopy images
- beamlime — Live data reduction visualisation framework for ESS.
- bed-reader — Read and write the PLINK BED format, simply and efficiently.
- beignet — no summary
- biapy — BiaPy: Bioimage analysis pipelines in Python
- bidsmreye — bids app using deepMReye to decode eye motion for fMRI time series data
- bio — no summary
- biocypher — A unifying framework for biomedical research knowledge graphs
- bioimageio.spec — Parser and validator library for specifications
- biomodels — Download from the BioModels API
- bionemo-core — BioNeMo core interfaces and PyTorch-related code.
- blendernc — Blender add-on to import datasets (netCDF, grib, and zarr)
- bookshelf — A collection of curated climate data sets
- brainglobe-stitch — A tool to stich large tiled datasets generated by the mesoSPIM.
- brainglobe-utils — Shared general purpose tools for the BrainGlobe project
- brainglobe-workflows — A collection of end-to-end data analysis workflows executed using BrainGlobe tools.
- brainreg-napari — Multi-atlas whole-brain microscopy registration
- brainrender — Visualisation and exploration of brain atlases and other anatomical data
- brightest-path-lib — A library of path-finding algorithms to find the brightest path between points in an image.
- broad-babel — A translator of Broad and JUMP ids to more conventional names.
- btrack — A framework for Bayesian multi-object tracking
- C4dynamics — The framework for algorithms engineering with Python.
- calistar — Tool to search for a calibration star
- careamics-portfolio — A helper package to download example datasets used in various publications and deep-learning algorithms, including data featured in N2V, P(P)N2V, DivNoising, HDN, EmbedSeg, etc.
- carpet-concentrations — Core tools for the development of greenhouse gas concentration input files (i.e. flying carpets).
- cbgen — Python wrapper around a BGEN library
- cdlib — Community Discovery Library
- cellfinder — Automated 3D cell detection in large microscopy images
- cellfinder-napari — Efficient cell detection in large images
- cev — comparative embedding visualization
- cf-xarray — A convenience wrapper for using CF attributes on xarray objects
- chap-core — Climate Health Analysis Platform (CHAP)
- cherab-lhd — Cherab spectroscopy framework: LHD machine configuration
- climate-assessment — Climate assessment of long-term emissions pathways: IPCC AR6 WGIII version
- climate-trace — A package for loading and analyzing data from the Climate TRACE consortium.
- climkern — no summary
- climpred — """Verification of weather and climate forecasts and prediction."""
- clisops — CLISOPS - Climate simulation operations.
- cmip_ref_metrics_esmvaltool — ESMValTool metrics provider for the CMIP Rapid Evaluation Framework
- CMIP7_data_request_api — A programatic interface to the CMIP7 Data Request
- cmne — Contextual Minimum Norm Estimates (CMNE)
- cogworks-data — Simple functions for downloading and accessing data for CogWorks.
- competitionassay — Software for the analysis of competition assay data.
- conversations — no summary
- copick — Definitions for a collaborative cryoET annotation tool.
- coupledmodeldriver — coupled model configuration generation
- crested — CREsted: Cis-Regulatory Element Sequence Training, Explanation, and Design
- cryogrid-pytools — Tools to read in CryoGrid MATLAB data to Python and create forcing data
- cstar-ocean — Computational systems for tracking ocean carbon
- dacapo-ml — Framework for deployment of volumetric machine learning models, and easy composition of training jobs.
- dageo — Data Assimilation in Geosciences
- dantro — Handle, transform, and visualize hierarchically structured data
- dascore — A python library for distributed fiber optic sensing
- datapane-components — Reusable Datapane components and sample reports and apps
- deciphon-api — RESTful API for Deciphon scheduler
- deepsensor — A Python package for modelling xarray and pandas data with neural processes.
- DeltaMetrics — Tools for manipulating sedimentologic data cubes.
- demcmc — Differential Emission Measure calculations using Monte Carlo methods.
- demonstrable-whisperx-service — A standalone service for transcribing audio files using WhisperX
- depalma-napari-omero — Napari interface for the De Palma lab.
- detkit — Matrix determinant toolkit
- devito — Finite Difference DSL for symbolic computation.
- dfm-tools — dfm_tools are pre- and post-processing tools for Delft3D FM
- digirock — Flexible tool to create custom digital rock models.
- discretize — Discretization tools for finite volume and inverse problems
- disdrodb — This package provides tools to homogenize, process, and analyze global disdrometer data.
- django-rgd — no summary
- dnn-tts-torch — This is a library consisting of pre-trained models for the synthesis of Russian and English speech
- dolphin — Workflows for generating surface displacement maps using InSAR
- dorothy-cci — A Creative Computing Python Library for Interactive Audio Generation and Audio Reactive Drawing
- dpeeg — Deep learning with EEG
- easyclimate — A line of code to analyze climate
- easydiffraction — Making diffraction data analysis and modelling easy
- easyreflectometry — A reflectometry python package built on the EasyScience framework.
- ECSFooPkg — A dummy template of a python package with tests and documentation.
- eeg-emotion-recognition — no summary
- eegAudioAnotator — no summary
- einsum_benchmark — Wrapper package for the einsum benchmark dataset and code to create new instances of the various types used in the benchmark
- emsarray — xarray extension that supports multiple geometry conventions
- enjoyn — Generate and animate images in parallel, enjoyably.
- enkie — ENKIE - The ENzyme KInetics Estimator
- ensaio — Practice datasets to probe your code
- enstools-compression — no summary
- entrez-fetcher — no summary
- epiout — EpiOut: outlier detection for DNA accesibility data.