Reverse Dependencies of polyscope
The following projects have a declared dependency on polyscope:
- delaunay-watershed-2d — Geometrical reconstruction of cell assemblies from instance segmentations
- delaunay-watershed-3d — Geometrical reconstruction of cell assemblies from instance segmentations
- extrude_linestrips — Extrude 2D line strips and line loops into 3D meshes.
- foambryo — Tension inference for 3D cell assemblies
- gsoup — A geoemtry & graphics library with focus on clarity rather than performance.
- jax-dips — Differentiable 3D interfacial PDE solvers written in JAX using the Neural Bootstrapping Method.
- kiss-icp — Simple yet effective 3D LiDAR-Odometry registration pipeline
- lidar-visualizer — A LiDAR visualization tool for all your datasets
- mdapy — A simple, fast and cross-platform python library to handle the data generated from molecular dynamics simulations.
- NeodroidVision — Computer Vision algorithm implementations, intended for use with the Neodroid platform
- odbp — Python3 API for Abaqus .odb files. Focused on Additive Manufacturing Thermal Transfer
- optiflow — Reconstruction of flows from kymographs with optimal transport
- polyscope-persistence — no summary