Reverse Dependencies of polygon-api-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on polygon-api-client:
- ancilla — Ancilla is a Python library for quantitative finance.
- candlestick-patterns — no summary
- DE-FOREX-Library — Demo library
- — An algorithmic trading platform
- forcepush — An algorithmic trading platform
- Forex-API — Forex library
- Forex-API-hw2 — Forex library
- fudstop — no summary
- gl-1106 — hw2
- hw1-guansli — HWK1, how to make a python library.
- hyperdrive — An algorithmic trading platform
- hyperdrive-quant — An algorithmic trading platform
- interstellar — An algorithmic trading platform
- jplumibot — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- liualgotrader — a Pythonic all-batteries-included framework for effective algorithmic trading. The framework is intended to simplify development, testing, deployment and evaluating algo trading strategies.
- lumibot — Backtesting and Trading Library, Made by Lumiwealth
- lumibot-jp-v1 — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- lumibot-jp-v2 — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- lumibot-jp-v3 — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- lumibot-jpmod — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- maxlib-repackaged-MGGY8411-yy2205 — Max's code repackaged as a library
- mktdata — no summary
- nurdalib — Homework 1 library
- oipd — Generate probability distributions on the future price of publicly traded securities using options data
- pfeed — Data pipeline for algo-trading, getting and storing both real-time and historical data made easy.
- phantom-core — Phantom Core
- polygon-api-access — Polygon API Access
- polygon-api-access-nn2094 — Library for Homework
- polygon-cache — A package that caches polygon API calls and seamlessly calls the API multiple times to get all requested data.
- polygon-data — Demo library
- polygon-data-generator — Demo library for polygon data
- polygon-guansli — Get data from polygon api
- polygon-hw-guansli — Get data from polygon api
- polygon-protection — A library to protect polygon access key information
- pystocktopus — help you maintain your stock dashboard also predict future for a stock based upon past data and also use the news sentiments of stocks volatality
- silicon — An algorithmic trading platform
- stocklake — no summary
- tradestream — A Python application with a Dash frontend, services to fetch market data, and an API server.
- webull-options — no summary
- zipline-polygon-bundle — A zipline-reloaded data provider bundle for