Reverse Dependencies of polib
The following projects have a declared dependency on polib:
- ai18n — A tool for managing and automating translations with OpenAI and PO files
- andaluh-po — Transliterate español (spanish) gettext po files to andaluz spelling proposals
- auto-po-lyglot — A Python package to translate po files using LLMs. Implements ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Grok and Ollama clients. Uses a 1rst manual translation for desambiguating short PO pieces of sentences.
- bag — A library for several purposes
- betty — Betty helps you visualize and publish your family history by building interactive genealogy websites out of your Gramps and GEDCOM family trees
- bojango — A lightweight framework for creating Telegram bots with advanced routing and localization.
- buzz-captions — no summary
- check_po — Check_po to verify if everything is translated and that no fuzzy are still here.
- clacks — Clacks framework
- collective.themesitesetup — GenericSetup profiles for
- cron_descriptor — A Python library that converts cron expressions into human readable strings.
- dennis — Utilities for working with gettext PO and POT files to ease development and improve localization quality
- dila — Dila is a open source web-based translation platform for translators, content creators and developers.
- — Simple tools for
- dj-polyglot — no summary
- django-amazon-translate — Utils for Django to translate both Models and Django gettext files using Amazon Translate.
- django-autotranslate — A simple Django app to automatically translate the pot (`.po`) files generated by django's makemessages command using google translate.
- django-autotranslate2 — A simple Django app to automatically translate the pot (`.po`) files generated by django's makemessages command using google translate.
- django-crm-admin — The Analytical CRM with Tasks management, Email marketing and many more. This Django CRM software app is built for individual use by businesses of any size or freelancers and is designed to provide easy customization and quick development.
- django-deep-translator — Automatically translate the pot (`.po`) files generated by django's makemessages command built on top of python deep-translator package
- django-internationalization — no summary
- django-jinx — A full-stack i18n solution for Django
- django-l10n-extensions — Extend Django with L10N features.
- django-l10n-extensions-django-3 — Extend Django with L10N features. - Inline translation of your Django web application in the browser - L10N model field to enable translation of database content - L10N unit models e.g. Area (m2, acres, hectares, etc.) or Temperature(°C, °F, K) - Updated for Django 3, 4 compatibility
- django-po-translate — Django app with updated makemessages command to add automatic translation.
- django-po2xls — Convert gettext .po files to .xls
- django-require-i18n — Django management command for extracting and compiling localization strings used in the require.js i18n plugin.
- django-restful-translator — A Django application providing translation functionalities for Django Rest Framework
- django-rosetta — A Django application that eases the translation of Django projects
- django-transfiles — Translate your django templates easily
- Django-translate-po — Automatic PO file translator
- django-translate-po-files — Automatically translate all Django PO files in the correct languages using google translate.
- django-translatemessages — Translate Django .po files
- django-translation-manager — Django app for managing translations from admin
- django-transtool — Make translating your django project easier.
- django-xls2po — Convert django-po2xls generated .xls files to .po files
- dyools — dyools
- edx-i18n-tools — edX Internationalization Tools
- enkonix-wagtail-localize — Translation plugin for Wagtail CMS
- evox — evox
- fastt — Fast and Simple Translation Tool
- geoluminate — no summary
- geranslator — Translate your translation files
- git-cola — Git Cola is a powerful Git GUI with a slick and intuitive user interface.
- gpt-po-translator — A CLI tool for translating .po files using GPT models.
- i18n_utils — A collection of utilities to add functionality to the gettext commands.
- iamai — Comprehensive AI Toolkit for Multimodal Learning and Cross-Platform Robotics.
- icm — Icestudio Collection Manager
- irails — Simple and elegant use of FastApi in MVC mode
- jst-django — no summary
- jupyterlab-translate — JupyterLab Language Pack Translations Helper
- kata-baku-checkr-po-file — Checker for Kata Baku for PO File reader
- kodi-addon-checker — Check kodi addons or whole kodi repositories for errors and best practices.
- l10n — A library and CLI for translating Python applications and libraries.
- libretranslate — Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. Self-hosted, no limits, no ties to proprietary services.
- lingua — Translation toolset
- lingva — Translation toolset
- m9s-trytond — Tryton Server
- manim-speech — Manim plugin for adding speech to videos.
- manylocales — AI translations in your CI/CD pipeline
- markdown-gettext — Markdown i18n with gettext
- marshmallow-i18n-messages — A patch to marshmallow to allow to translate marshmallow messages via GNU gettext
- mcdis-rcon — no summary
- mdpo — Markdown files translation using PO files.
- melon-translate — Melon-translate is a micro service for easing localisation and translation.
- mobetta — A Django package for managing translation files
- moya — web development platform
- moz.l10n — Mozilla tools for localization
- msg2po — A set of helper tools to convert Fallout 1/2 MSG and WeiDU TRA into GNU gettext PO and back.
- oarepo-model-builder-ui — Model builder plugin for oarepo-ui
- oarepo-tools — OARepo tools
- oca-odoo-pre-commit-hooks — odoo-pre-commit-hooks to use in pre-commit-config.yml files
- odoo-toolkit — This toolkit contains a few useful tools for Odoo development.
- odoo-tools — Odoo Tools
- onegov.core — Contains code shared by all OneGov applications.
- openpecha — OpenPecha Toolkit allows state of the art for distributed standoff annotations on moving texts
- orion-common — A small example package
- oven-cli — A static site generator with markdown support
- po-excel-translate — Convert between Excel and PO files
- po2dataset — Python tool to extract sentences from po files and create language datasets for machine translation
- poautofill — Autofill po files with automated translations.
- pocketlint — Support for running pylint against projects
- podiff2 — compare two .po/gettext files for differences
- poexceltool — Convert between Excel and PO files
- pofile-cli — A CLI tool to translate PO files using
- poglossary — A CLI tool that scans through .po files and searches for mistranslated terms based on user-defined glossary mapping
- pogrep — Find translations examples by grepping in .po files.
- polyglot-translator — Automation CLI tool that, using the DeepL API, generates a JSON or a PO file from a given source file.
- pomerge — Merge known translations between .po files.
- pospell — Spellcheck .po files containing reStructuredText translations
- potodo — List .po files to be translated.
- potojson — Pofile to JSON conversion without pain.
- PoTrans — gettext PO files translate by Yandex translator
- poTranslation — This is a simple python library/CLI tool to translate .po files using various APIs.
- potranslator — A python package to easily translate po and pot files in any language supported by Google Translate.
- potypo — spellchecking for .po-files
- poxls — Convert between Excel and PO files
- pybossa-pbs — PYBOSSA command line client
- pytest-translations — Test your translation files.
- python-gettext-translations — Python gettext translations