Reverse Dependencies of pluginbase
The following projects have a declared dependency on pluginbase:
- aswfdocker — ASWF Docker Utilities
- aws_ir — AWS Incident Response ToolKit
- bluecanary — no summary
- bootils — Bootils offers process boot-strapping utilities that support writing robust application/service launcher and process life-cycle management scripts.
- BuildStream — A framework for modelling build pipelines in YAML
- burp-ui — Burp-UI is a web-ui for burp backup written in python with Flask and jQuery/Bootstrap
- celery-director — Celery Director
- check-certs — Check TLS certificates of sites for their expiration dates. Send notifications if configured to do so.
- clk — A framework to help you have an awesome CLI
- conan-zbuild — Conan C/C++ package manager
- foremast — Tools for creating infrastructure and Spinnaker Pipelines.
- gatorgrader — Automated Grading Tool that Checks the Work of Writers and Programmers
- godfather — A CLI for running games of Mafia.
- gtool — A framework for building security governance, risk and compliance tools.
- hookee — Command line webhooks, on demand
- Kuai — Simple & fast event library. MIT licensed
- lavatory — Run retention policies against Artifactory repositories
- machine-stats — A simple and effective way to gather machine statistics (RAM, Storage, CPU, etc.) from server environment
- machine-stats-alpha — A simple and effective way to gather machine statistics (RAM, Storage, CPU, etc.) from server environment
- makru — Makru is a building system framework
- Python-Cmdr — A command manager (i.e. Commander) for Python modules and packages.
- sheetshuttle — no summary
- snutree — Visualize big–little brother/sister relationships in Greek-letter organizations
- soda-conan-server — soda's conan server
- streamdeck-daemon — A Simple daemon for controlling the Elgato Stremdeck devices
- superspy — Small Uncomplicated Plugin Extensible Reliable Shell in PYthon
- TExtractor — Extract text content from many filetypes.
- wafw00f — no summary
- xradios — Search and play your favorite Internet radio station.
- zango — Zango: multi-tenant Django framework for building business apps
- zcorepy — ZCore: multi-tenant Django framework for building business apps
- zelthy3 — Zelthy3: multi-tenant Django framework for building business apps