Reverse Dependencies of plotnine
The following projects have a declared dependency on plotnine:
- ab-lab — no summary
- actxps — Create Actuarial Experience Studies: Prepare Data, Summarize Results, and Create Reports
- aestetik — AESTETIK: AutoEncoder for Spatial Transcriptomics Expression with Topology and Image Knowledge
- aplusml — Conduct usefulness simulations of ML models embedded in workflows
- arabica — Python package for text mining of time-series data
- aucmedi — AUCMEDI - a framework for Automated Classification of Medical Images
- batches-n-more — Align feature tables from multiple GC/LC-MS batches into one feature table and correct for batch effects
- binomcikit — Used to calculate Confidence Intervals
- binsreg — Implements binscatter methods, including partition selection, point estimation, pointwise and uniform inference methods, and graphical procedures.
- biobookshelf — a collection of python scripts and functions for exploratory analysis of bioinformatic data in Python
- BoBaFor — A machine learning approach for conducting genome wide association studies (GWAS) on bacteria
- bodyguard — Heavy machinery for Python (tools, utilities, etc)
- bpnet — BPNet: toolkit to learn motif synthax from high-resolution functional genomics data using convolutional neural networks
- brandtemplate — Template for qmd presenations
- bray-pde — My implementation of the 2d advection diffusion for NAU525 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics Course
- brent — no summary
- brisk-ml — A framework that helps train machine learning models using sklearn.
- calfpy — Contains greedy algorithms for coarse approximation linear functions.
- cancerscope — An RNA-Seq based tool for Supervised Cancer Origin Prediction using Expression
- cardtale — Data, Model, and Algorithm Cards for Time Series
- celescope — Single Cell Analysis Pipelines
- cell2location — cell2location: High-throughput spatial mapping of cell types
- cell2sentence — Cell2Sentence: Single-cell Analysis With LLMs
- cellex — Compute single-cell cell-type expression specificity
- checkrs — Tools for simulation-based model checking and diagnostics.
- chronoamperometry — A toolset for analyzing chronoamperometric data
- clria — Package to decipher LRI-mediated brain network communication
- ClustAssessPy — Python package for systematic assessment of clustering results stability on single-cell data.
- cluster-experiments — no summary
- cospar — A toolkit for dynamic inference of cell fate by integrating state and lineage information.
- cowpatch — A package for combining python ggplot visuals
- crnt4sbml — CRNT4SBML is an easily installable Python based package available on MacOS and Windows. CRNT4SBML is concentrated on providing a simple workflow for the testing of core CRNT methods directed at detecting bistability in cell signaling pathways endowed with mass action kinetics.
- CrossTalke — no summary
- crowflow — Python package for evaluating clustering stability through the use of repeated stochastic clustering and element-centric evaluation metrics.
- csa-common-lib — csa_common_lib is a shared library designed to provide utility modules, class definitions, enumerations, and helper functions for the CSA Prediction Engine Python client. It standardizes and simplifies complex operations across different parts of the CSA Prediction Engine.
- cvanmf — Bi-cross validation of NMF and signature generation and analysis
- datasci-utils — A comprehensive Python package designed for efficient manipulation and analysis of time series data at scale. Whether you’re working with financial data, retail metrics, or any time-based datasets, tsacme provides the tools you need to clean, analyze, and preprocess your data effectively.
- deep-plots — Visualize Your Deep Learning Training in Static Graphics
- deepcolor — Analyze colocalization patterns between single cell gene expression profiles.
- deviaTE — Python tool for the analysis and visualization of mobile genetic elements
- diannpy — a package to provide additional report from DIANN's output of proteomics experiment
- discrimintools — Python package dedicated to Discriminant Analysis (DA) distributed under the MIT License
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- DNBC4-test — DNBC4 scRNA QC
- dragonn — Deep RegulAtory GenOmic Neural Networks (DragoNN)
- drfetools — A package for preforming dynamic recursive feature elimination with sklearn.
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- dulrs — A Python package to generate heatmaps, lowrank, and sparsity from deep learning models.
- EasyTCR — Explore TCR repertoire
- eesampling — !! No longer maintained -- please use `gridmeter` instead !!. Tools for stratified sampling for comparison groups
- erlab-coat — COAT: COVID-19 Statistical Analytics
- exploretransform — Explore and transform your data
- ezpq — an easy parallel queueing system
- fastinference — A collection of inference modules
- fav-plots — package to make some favourite plots
- flexynesis — A deep-learning based multi-omics bulk sequencing data integration suite with a focus on (pre-)clinical endpoint prediction.
- fpsim — FPsim: Family Planning Simulator
- frat-brain — Application for ROI fMRI data analysis.
- genal-python — A python toolkit for polygenic risk scoring and mendelian randomization.
- genno — Efficient, transparent calculation on N-D data
- genz-llm — GenZ is designed to simplify the relationship between the hardware platform used for serving Large Language Models(LLMs) and inference serving metrics like latency and memory.
- ggcorrplot — Visualization of a Correlation Matrix using plotnine
- gimmebio.covid — no summary
- gofigr — GoFigr client library
- GPy-ABCD — Basic implementation with GPy of an Automatic Bayesian Covariance Discovery (ABCD) system
- gReLU — gReLU is a python library to train, interpret, and apply deep learning models to DNA sequences
- gridmeter — Tools for stratified sampling for comparison groups
- hashstash — A simple file-based caching system using hash-based file names
- himut — himut: single molecule somatic single-base substitution detection using PacBio CCS reads
- hrbrthemes — Opinionated Themes For plotine
- imess — Analyze your iMessage data
- influential — Identification and Classification of the Most Influential Nodes
- intedact — Interactive EDA visualizations in your jupyter notebook
- izzy — A toolkit for executing and analyzing machine learning classification
- kailin — KAILINss - TOGGLE(KAILIN): Single Cell Fate Tracing tools
- kblpbp — Web scraping and visualization tools for Korean Basketball League's play-by-play data
- kblpbyp2 — Web scraping and visualization tools for Korean Basketball League's play-by-play data
- kimmdy-hydrolysis — Reaction plugin for KIMMDY that hydrolyses peptide bonds
- ktplotspy — Python library for plotting Cellphonedb results. Ported from ktplots R package.
- learntorank — Learning to rank library
- liana — LIANA+: a one-stop-shop framework for cell-cell communication
- lightgbmlss — LightGBMLSS - An extension of LightGBM to probabilistic modelling.
- LittleSnowFox — KAILINss - TOGGLE(KAILIN): Single Cell Fate Tracing tools
- lowrank-generator — A Python package to calculate and draw low rankness from deep learning models.
- lpdensity — Implements local polynomial point estimation with robust bias-corrected uniform confidence intervals.
- marginaleffects — Predictions, counterfactual comparisons, slopes, and hypothesis tests for statistical models.
- mbf-comparisons — Add a short description here!
- mbf-externals — wrappers for external algorithms
- mbf-genomes — wrappers for external algorithms
- mbf-genomics — All about intervals on genomic data
- md-plot — Draws a mirrored density plot for each input column
- message-ix-models — Tools for the MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM family of models
- methyltree — High-resolution, noninvasive single-cell lineage tracing based on DNA methylation epimutations.
- miceForest — Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations with LightGBM
- mkreports — A package to programmatically create mkdocs sites.
- ml4h — Machine Learning for Health python package
- ModDotPlot — no summary
- modelradar — Aspect-based Forecasting Accuracy
- nPhase — nPhase is a command line ploidy agnostic phasing pipeline and algorithm which phases samples of any ploidy with sequence alignment of long and short read data to a reference sequence.
- ont-remora — Nanopore methylation/modified base calling detached from basecalling