Reverse Dependencies of plotly
The following projects have a declared dependency on plotly:
- wawi — WAve and WInd response prediction
- waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-6-0 — Waymo Open Dataset libraries.
- wbcore — no summary
- wbo — Download and plot worldwide box office data!
- wearablehrv — Wearablehrv: A Python package for the validation of heart rate and heart rate variability in wearables.
- web-plotter — plotting on the web with fuzzy finding
- web3-ethereum-defi — Integrate DeFi trading and and analytics for Uniswap, Aave, PancakeSwap, Trader Joe, QuickSwap and many others.
- webtree — Displays HTML page as a Graph
- webull-options — no summary
- webviz-config-equinor — Webviz config Equinor theme
- wedoco_optimo — Optimization of Modelica models
- wefe — The Word Embedding Fairness Evaluation Framework
- weightgain — Train an adapter for any embedding model in <1min
- well-plate — Work with well plates!
- well-profile — Well Profile Builder
- wellcode-cli — Engineering Metrics Analysis Tool
- wepipe — no summary
- weplot — An easy to use plotly wrapper for python / jupyter notebooks
- wepps — A web app framework to connect python projects to a simple but interactive frontend.
- westac-statistics — Python statistics package for WeStAc, and the Swedish parliamentary proceedings
- wetterdienst — Open weather data for humans
- whale-googleanalytics — This library is used to fetch data from Google Analytics GA v4 and MCF v3
- whale-revenue-projection — Package using the in-house LTV and Churn data to project revenue depending on the source type (Campaign, Product, Sponsor)
- whatsapp-chat-analyze — Ingest and analyze WhatsApp chat data, and plot beautiful visualizations.
- whatsapp-reality — A comprehensive WhatsApp chat analysis library
- WhatsappInspect — A simple package for letting user to track and analyze all the exported whatsapp chat data for differnt usage
- WhatsappLib — This is whatsapp group chat analysis package which will basically help you to extract amazing insights from the group chat and create beautiful interactive visuals in just 2 to 3 lines of code. You do not have to worry about anything, just load the chat file, create an object and use it.
- whatstk — Parser and analytics tools for WhatsApp group chats
- whitecanvas — A type safe and backend independent plotting library for Python.
- wikiweb — Ever wonder if there's a better way to play the link game? Well here you go! Your personal Wikipedia crawler.
- wiliot-certificate — A library for certifying Wiliot-compliant boards
- wiliot-deployment-tools — A library for interacting with Wiliot's Deployment Tools
- Wilt — Architect's collection of codebase health probes
- wily — A Python application for tracking, reporting on timing and complexity in tests and applications.
- wind-validation — A tool for validating wind data
- windkit — WindKit provides core functionalities for working with wind resource data
- witcher — Automated AI tool including: recommender system, deep Learnings ...
- wizata-dsapi — Wizata Data Science Toolkit
- wltp-jrshift — Gearshift tool implement the Sub-Annex 1 and Sub-Annex 2 of theCOMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2017/1151 of 1 June 2017 - Annex XXI
- wmsd — TOPSIS ranking and interpretation using WMSD-space
- wonambi — Tools for EEG, ECoG, iEEG, especially for sleep
- wordmesh — A wordcloud generator which allows for meaningful word clustering
- wordtm — Topic Modeling Package
- wordview — Wordview is a Python package for Exploratory Data Analysis of text and provides many statistics about your data in the form of plots, tables, and descriptions allowing you to have both a high-level and detailed overview of your data.
- workbench — Workbench: A Dashboard and Python API for creating and deploying AWS SageMaker Model Pipelines
- workcell — Turn python function into microservice.
- wotemu — An emulator for Python applications to help in the design of IoT deployments based on the edge computing model
- woy — Wasted On Youtube
- WSIPeruDB — Water Stable Isotope Database in Peru
- wulfric — Cell, Atoms, K-path.
- wwinpy — Python library to parse and work with weight window files
- wwttoolbox — WaterWebTool toolbox for common tasks in hydrology and water resources management
- Wxve — A stock analysis package in Python that equips objects with the information required to streamline operations.
- wyn-pm — The library helps analysts to investigate portfolio and stock market.
- xai-benchmark — Benchmark for Explainable AI methods
- XaI-Ensemble-VOCs-API — A library for do the explaination of data using a new ensenble of XAI methods
- xaitk-saliency-demo — Web application demonstrating XAITK Saliency functionality
- xaiz — Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Library
- xarrayuvecs — Tools to work on unit vector that are symmetric (i.e. x is equivalent to -x)
- xash — Data Science, Data Analysis, Plotting, ...
- xbx-Z1 — xbx-Z1
- xdas — no summary
- xdatbus — A Python package enhancing VASP AIMD simulation
- xdmod-data — Python package for Open XDMoD data access
- xedro — Kedro helps you build production-ready data and analytics pipelines
- xenon-lfp-analysis — Xenon LFP Analysis Platform
- xenonpy — material descriptor library
- XeroML — A data management platform
- xinetzone — Sphinx demo.
- xintegrator — xintegrator is a Python wrapper for integrating with the X (formerly Twitter) api
- xiplot — Interactive data visualization tool
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xixo — Fast and friendly system identification for structures.
- XJTU-TGA — no summary
- xlmhg — XL-mHG: A Semiparametric Test for Enrichment
- xlmhglite — XL-mHG lite: A light implementation of the Semiparametric Enrichment Test
- xlwings — Make Excel fly: Interact with Excel from Python and vice versa.
- XPER — XPER (eXplainable PERformance) is a methodology designed
- xplainable — Real-time explainable machine learning for business optimisation
- xpsfshg — This library or package will extract various insights from whatsapp chat and convert that insights into beautiful interactive visual's in just 2-3 lines of code.
- XQuantiPy — Module for financial analysis
- xrayweb — Web interface for X-ray Properties of the elements
- xt-training — Utilities for training models in pytorch
- xtal2png — Encode and decode crystal structures via portable networks graphics (PNG) files.
- xyt — xyt is a python package for processing raw gps data into mobility data. xyt offers privacy-based capabilities and aims to provide a plug-and-play pipeline to leverage gps data.
- xyz2graph — Package for reading of .xyz files and constructing of molecular graphs from atomic coordinates.
- xyzstyle — xyzstyle 主题
- yahist — Yet another histogram object with numpy and matplotlib
- yangke — 个人工具综合平台,包含常用工具,网络爬虫,知识图谱,神经网络预测等工具
- yet-another-retnet — yet-another-retnet
- YnExchangePY — no summary
- yoneq-text2sql — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- YoungLion — It is a library whose main purpose is to make the work of YoungLion developers easier.
- youtubewatched — Visualization of Youtube watch history from Google Takeout
- zaps — Low-code Python wrapper for Exploratory Data Analysis
- zdev — Versatile collection of routines & tools for common development tasks
- zero-true — A collaborative notebook built for data scientists
- zerohertzLib — Zerohertz's Library
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- zillionare-omicron — Core Library for Zillionare