Reverse Dependencies of ploomber-core
The following projects have a declared dependency on ploomber-core:
- jupyai — JupyAI is an experimental package to add AI capabilities to JupyterLab.
- jupyblog — no summary
- jupysql — Better SQL in Jupyter
- jupysql-plugin — Jupyterlab extension for JupySQL
- k2s — no summary
- nbsnapshot — no summary
- ploomber — Write maintainable, production-ready pipelines using Jupyter or your favorite text editor. Develop locally, deploy to the cloud.
- ploomber-cloud — no summary
- ploomber-engine — no summary
- ploomber-extension — A JupyterLab extension.
- sklearn-evaluation — scikit-learn model evaluation made easy: plots, tables andmarkdown reports.
- soopervisor — no summary
- soorgeon — Convert monolithic Jupyter notebooks into maintainable pipelines.