Reverse Dependencies of plone.testing
The following projects have a declared dependency on plone.testing:
- acentoweb.addusergroup — Adds new users automatically to groups
- acentoweb.collectionactions — Behavior to move and copy items
- borg.localrole — A PAS plugin which can manage local roles via an adapter lookup on the current context
- — Agenda de membros do Governo Brasileiro
- — Implementação Modelo da Identidade Digital de Governo
- — Temas para o Portal Padrao do Governo Federal
- — Tiles para o Portal Padrão do Governo Federal
- — Tradução de Português para Libras
- codesyntax.login — Add-on on to set login basics for CodeSyntax users
- collective.abovecontentbodyportlets — Content Type to show an abovecontentbodyportlets
- collective.abovecontenttitleportlets — Content Type to show an abovecontenttitleportlets
- collective.behavior.banner — An add-on for Plone
- collective.behavior.richpreview — A behavior for Dexterity-based content types to show previews on hover over hyperlinks in content area.
- collective.behavior.seo — An add-on for Plone
- collective.behaviors — Add additional behaviors to Plone based on the given categories.
- collective.belowcontentportlets — Content Type to show an belowcontentportlets
- collective.blueline — Helper viewlets to easily insert code on the layout of a Plone site.
- collective.campaignmonitor — CampaingMonitor integration for Plone
- collective.checklist — Checklist App for Plone
- collective.clamav — A product providing clamav antivirus integration for Plone Dexterity content types
- collective.classification.folder — Addon to manage classification folders
- collective.classification.tree — Addon to manage complex content classification tree
- collective.cloudfront — AWS CloudFront support for
- collective.collectionfilter — Plone addon for filtering collection results.
- collective.collectiongathering — A Dexterity content type which can gather multiple collection into one.
- collective.conferences — A Conference Management System for Plone
- collective.contactformprotection — This package protects the default contact form of Plone which is generally accessible via /contact-form. It provides a checkbox in the controlpanel to disable it globally and adds a (H/Re)captcha field depending on your installation.
- collective.contentalerts — An add-on for Plone to get alerts about content
- collective.contentgroups — Plone PAS plugin for content as groups
- collective.cover — A sane, working, editor-friendly way of creating front pages and other composite pages. Working now, for mere mortals.
- collective.disclaimer — Show a disclaimer the first time a user visits a site.
- collective.documentviewer — Document cloud's document viewer integration into plone.
- collective.easyformplugin.poll — Poll support for EasyForm
- collective.easynewsletter-combined-send — Extend EasyNewsletter to send languages combined one email.
- collective.embeddedpage — Add-on to embed remote HTML pages into the Plone CMS
- collective.faq — Plone addon package for managing FAQ sections
- collective.feedaggregator — A feed aggregator content type for Plone.
- collective.fingerpointing — Keep track of different events and write them down to an audit log.
- collective.flexmailhost — Sync mail setttings to MailHost rather than patching it. Allows multiple MailHosts per Plone site.
- collective.folderishtraverse — Traverse to first item in folder
- collective-folderprotection — Provide delete, rename and password protection for Plone items.
- collective.formsupport.counter — Counter integration for collective.volto.formsupport
- collective.fullcalendar — Fullcalendar for Plone
- collective.glossary — Content types to define a glossary and its terms
- collective.gridlisting — Behavior for Folder and Collection to manipulate various appearance settings using Bootstrap (column layout) and patternslib (masonry, inject)
- collective.iframe — Content Type to show an iframe
- collective.immediatecreate — Create dexterity items immediatly and skips add form.
- collective.lazysizes — Integration of lazysizes, a lightweight lazy loader, into Plone.
- collective.lineage — The microsite creation product for Plone
- collective.manifestjson — Allows to add manifest configuration in control panel and provides a view to render it as manifest.json
- collective.MockMailHost — Used for integration testing with Plone
- collective.mosaicpage — A page with Mosaic selected as only layout
- collective.nitf — A content type inspired on the IPTC's News Industry Text Format specification.
- collective.outputfilters.tinymceaccordion — Addon for Plone 6 - Plone Outputfilter to transform TinyMCE Markup to Bootstrap5 Accordion
- collective.patchwatcher — Patchwatcher is a great companion for maintaining your customizations in Plone.
- collective.pivot — Display CGT Pivot informations
- collective.plausible — Plausible integration into Plone 5 and Plone 6 classic UI
- collective.polls — A content type, workflow, and portlet for conducting online polls, for anonymous and logged-in users.
- collective.portletmetadata — Adds metadata functionality to portlets
- collective.privacy — An add-on for Plone that provides functionality for better complying with the EU's General Data Protection Regulations and ePrivacy Regulations
- collective.restrictportlets — Restrict addable portlet types
- collective.sendinblue — Sendinblue integration for Plone
- collective.smtpssl — Patches zope.sendmail.mailer.SMTPMailer to use smtplib.SMTP_SSL instead of smtplib.SMTP, to support sending oder port 465.
- collective.splitsitemap — An add-on for Plone
- collective.taxonomy — Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone!
- collective.tileindex — An add-on for Plone
- collective.tiles.carousel — Slider for based on Bootstrap 5
- collective.tiles.discussion — Tile for showing most recent discussion items.
- collective.tiles.sliders — A collection of slider tiles for Mosaic.
- collective.timestamp — Timestamp files published in Plone
- collective.twittercards — no summary
- collective.vocabularies — Add additional vocabularies to plone based on the given vocabulary categories.
- — Plone vocabularies for tech terms
- collective.volto.blocksfield — Field that allows to use blocks instead rich text
- collective.volto.dropdownmenu — Add-on for Volto to manage a dropdown menu.
- collective.volto.formsupport — Add support for customizable forms in Volto
- collective.volto.secondarymenu — Add-on for Volto to manage a secondary menu in dropdown one.
- collective.volto.slimheader — Volto Slim Header
- collective.volto.socialsettings — Add-on for Volto to manage a list of social network links
- collective.volto.subfooter — Add-on for Volto to manage a subfooter in dropdown one.
- collective.volto.subsites — Add Subsite content-type for Volto
- collective.webhook — Webhook content rule action
- collective.z3cform.datagridfield — Fields with repeatable data grid (table-like) for z3.cform
- collective.z3cform.norobots — Human readable captcha for z3cform
- collective.zamqp — Asynchronous AMQP-integration for Plone (and Zope2)
- contenttypes.basic — Basic content, behaviors, fields and widgets for Plone
- cpskin.localfood — Local food implementation for IA Web
- cs.adminlanguage — Addon to set the admin language
- cs.linguacopier — Content-copier useful to copy basic content from one language-tree to another to start working with the whole content-tree
- design.plone.contenttypes — DesignItalia contenty types
- design.plone.ctgeneric — Add-on that implements AGID v2 content types rules
- design.plone.ioprenoto — An add-on for Plone
- design.plone.policy — Pacchetto per creare un sito Agid su Plone
- five.customerize — TTW customization of template-based Zope browser views
- gocept.amqprun — gocept.amqprun helps you writing and running AMQP consumers, and sending AMQP messages. It currently only supports AMQP 0-9-1 and integrates with the Zope Tool Kit (ZTK) so you can use adapters, utilities and all the buzz.
- gocept.httpserverlayer — HTTP server integration for testing
- gocept.month — A datatype which stores a year and a month.
- gocept.selenium — Test-friendly Python API for Selenium and integration with web application frameworks.
- icemac.addressbook — Multi user address book application
- ideabox.policy — IdeaBox