Reverse Dependencies of PlexAPI
The following projects have a declared dependency on PlexAPI:
- beets-gdplaylists — beets plugin to create Grateful Dead playlists
- bw_plex — Skip intros.
- deemon — Monitor new releases by a specified list of artists and auto download using the deemix library
- dizqueTV — Interact with a dizqueTV instance's API
- ffmp-conv — no summary
- hoodex — Hoodex checks your plex instance and get the url of the latest uploaded content
- kintro — Command line tool for creating kodi compatible edl from plex
- Mediux-Posters — no summary
- mov-cli-jellyplex — A mov-cli v4 plugin for watching content from your media server.
- plex-assets-manager — A Python project for managing and organizing Plex media library
- plex-default-settings — Plex default settings
- plex-fuse — Plex FUSE Filesystem - Mount Remote Plex Media Server contents as local filesystem
- plex-nfs-watchdog — A utility to trigger Plex partial-scans on NFS configurations, on which inotify is not supported
- plex-tvdb-alt-orderer — A utility that applies alternate TVDB orders to Plex.
- plex-watched-sync — Small tool to synchronize watched status from one Plex server to another
- plexdl — no summary
- plexflow — A short description of the package.
- plexiglas — Tool for downloading videos from your Plex server to an external HDD
- plexmediafixup — Run configurable fixups against the media database of a Plex Media Server
- PlexPreferNonForcedSubs — This script will set all movies and shows in your local Plex library to English non forced subtitles by default.
- plexrec — Default template for PDM package
- PlexTraktSync — Plex-Trakt-Sync is a two-way-sync between and Plex Media Server
- plexutil — no summary
- plexy — Your Plex, your way
- pmm-cfg-gen — A script to help automatically generate Plex Meta Manager configuration files for your libraries
- pyputio — Command Line Client for download zip archives
- red-plex — A tool for creating Plex playlists or collections from RED collages
- skippex — Automatic 'skip intro' for Plex with Chromecast support
- tautulli — A complete Python client for Tautulli's API
- update-plex-music-album-covers — Update Plex music album covers to the corresponding front covers embedded in your MP3 files