Reverse Dependencies of playwright
The following projects have a declared dependency on playwright:
- solara-enterprise — no summary
- songbirdcli — Songbird's cli.
- songbirdcore — core low level api for songbird
- SpaceXRM — Special package
- speedcheck — Simple CLI for running internet speed tests
- sphinx-each-pdf — Tool for converting HTML files to PDFs using Sphinx and Playwright.
- sphinx-quant — This project is sphinx-quant web technologies.
- sphinx-revealjs — Sphinx extension with theme to generate Reveal.js presentation
- sphinxcontrib-screenshot — A Shpinx extension to embed webpage screenshots.
- spider-js — 本项目主要是js逆向相关,详细破解流程.
- spider-ms — 一个高级爬虫框架
- sshcracker — ssh弱密码破解。支持自定义目标ip和弱口令。每个ip都使用一个单独的线程破解。
- st-card-component-ctg — Streamlit component that allows you to create custom cards
- st-discord-nav — Streamlit component that allows you to do navigation in your Streamlit app inspired by Discord.
- st-forna-component — A Streamlit component for the Forna RNA visualization tool
- st-iframe-postmessage — Streamlit component to send postMessage to iframe window embedding application
- st-image-cropper — Streamlit Component to display an image and a cropper inside the image, returning the crop info
- st-img-card — Streamlit component that allows you to do X
- st-img-carousel — Streamlit component that allows to create image carousel
- st-img-pastebutton — Streamlit component that allows you to create button to paste image from clipboard.
- st-img-selectbox — Streamlit component allowing to have a selectbox with images
- st-img-selector — Streamlit component that allows you to select multiple images with a captivating interface
- st-multimodal-chatinput — Streamlit component that allows you to accept multi-modal inputs through a chat interface.
- st-pagination-buttons — Streamlit pagination buttons component
- st-rating — Streamlit component -st_rating
- st-review-component — Streamlit component that allows you to do X
- st-signedUrl-uploader — Streamlit component that allows you to upload files to Google Cloud Storage via signed url
- st-span-annotation — Streamlit component to annotate text span
- st-stepper — Streamlit component -st_stepper
- st-tabs — Streamlit component that allows you to do customize your tabbar as per your need
- st-tiny-editor — Streamlit component that allows you to render a TinyMCE editor in your app.
- st-triggers — Streamlit component triggers testing
- st-txt-copybutton — Streamlit component that allows you to create button to paste image from clipboard.
- st-video-player — Streamlit component that allows you to play videos from bytes
- st_wallet_connect — Streamlit component that allows you to use walletconnect/web3modal
- starstream — Asynchronous satellite data downloading for CDAWeb, JSOC, etc.
- statlink — An asyncio based multipurpose link checker.
- stepcutis — A document analysis program
- stockholm-pro — 一个股票数据(沪深)爬虫和选股策略测试框架,数据基于雅虎YQL和新浪财经。
- streaming-fetcher — Streaming fetcher library can be used to automatize downloads from streaming sites
- streamlit-advanced-audio — Advanced audio player component for Streamlit with waveform visualization and region selection
- streamlit-ai-assist — A built in data analyst for your Streamlit app
- streamlit-backgammon — Streamlit component that allows you to render backgammon position
- streamlit-browser-engine — Streamlit component that allows you to get browser stats like user agent or whether the app is being run on mobile or desktop and more.
- streamlit-browser-session-storage — Streamlit component that allows you to do manage browser session storage
- streamlit-chat-input-advanced — Streamlit component that allows you catch arrow up keyboard event
- streamlit-chip-filter — no summary
- streamlit-chip-tags — Streamlit component that allows you to do create tags
- streamlit-choices — Streamlit component that allows you to add a multiple choice question to your app.
- streamlit-choices-component — Streamlit component that allows you to add a multiple choice question to your app.
- streamlit-chunk-file-uploader — Custom component to perform chunked upload in Streamlit.
- streamlit-circle-plot-component — no summary
- streamlit-clickable-images — This is a clickable images component base on the component
- streamlit-clickable-textbox — Streamlit component that allows you to do register clicks on specific texts within textbox
- streamlit-client-timezone — Streamlit component that gets the client's timezone.
- streamlit-condition-tree — Condition Tree Builder for Streamlit
- streamlit-condition-tree-jb — Condition Tree Builder for Streamlit
- streamlit-cookies-controller — Streamlit cookies controller
- streamlit-copy-to-clipboard — Streamlit component that allows you to copy to clipboard via button
- streamlit-custom-bar-nivo — no summary
- streamlit-custom-chat — Streamlit component for displaying chat messages
- streamlit-custom-checkbox — Streamlit component that allows you to do place checkboxes horizontally, and to have a default checkbox ('All')
- streamlit-custom-input — Streamlit component for taking user input
- streamlit-custom-sidebar — Streamlit component that allows you to do create a more flexible customisable streamlit sidebar
- streamlit-custom-sidebar-test — no summary
- streamlit-custom-ydata-profiling — Custom YData Profiling component for Streamlit.
- streamlit-datatables-net — Streamlit component for
- streamlit-datetime-picker — Streamlit Date and Time Picker
- streamlit-draw-line — no summary
- streamlit-draw-lines — no summary
- streamlit-dsfr — VueDsfr components for Streamlit
- streamlit-execute — Streamlit component that allows you to execute Python code using Pyodide.
- streamlit-fastselectbox — Streamlit component for fast loading selectbox
- streamlit-flexselect — A flexible multiselect that lets the user add custom elements
- streamlit-flow-component — Streamlit Component Wrapper for React Flow
- streamlit-fluent-dropdown — Streamlit component that uses the Fluent UI to create a Dropdown box.
- streamlit-fluent-inputtext — Streamlit component that uses the Fluent UI to create a Input box.
- streamlit-free-text-select — A Streamlit component that allows you to select from a list of options or enter a custom value.
- streamlit-frontend-listener-component — no summary
- streamlit-heatmap-chart — Streamlit component that allows you to do X
- streamlit-image-gallery — Streamlit component for displaying multiple images in a grid
- streamlit-image-plot — no summary
- streamlit-jodit — Streamlit component that allows you use Jodit editor (Rich text editor)
- streamlit-js — Streamlit component that allows you to run js code with both blocking and non-blocking modes.
- streamlit-kanban — This streamlit component uses react beautiful dnd to provide you a kanban structure where you can create dinamically the kanban columns and cards with also dynamic fields
- streamlit-ldap-authenticator — Authenticate using ldap
- streamlit-lexical — Streamlit component that allows you to use Meta's Lexical rich text editor
- streamlit-list-of-links — Streamlit component that renders a list of links
- streamlit-list-widget — Streamlit component that allows you to do handle a list of clickable items
- streamlit-local-storage — Streamlit component that allows you to do manage local storage
- streamlit-luckysheet — no summary
- streamlit-map-polygon-extract — Streamlit component that allows you to do extract custom polygon definitions
- streamlit-monaco-code-editor — A wrapper of the Monaco Editor for Streamlit
- streamlit-mubadala-threedviewer — Streamlit component that allows to render 3D
- streamlit-multi-menu — Streamlit component that allows you to render a menu widget with multiple columns but with only one globally selected value. It is possible to use photos for background inside the menu buttons.
- streamlit-nivo-charts-custom — no summary
- streamlit-nivo-sankey — A Streamlit component for Nivo Sankey diagrams.
- streamlit-p5 — Bring the power of ProcessingJS (aka P5) to Streamlit. This module allows you to create Processing sketches, interact with those sketches using the mouse and keyboard, and share data between your Processing Sketch and Stremalit.
- streamlit-pandera — Streamlit Data Validator Tool helps you validate your data with dataframe-type objects
- streamlit-pianoroll — Streamlit component that allows you to play piano